Raise Your Vibe

066 - 3 Ways to Flip The Switch When You're Having a Bad Day



We've all been there - days where you're going along doing your thing, running your business and then you have an encounter that makes you SO mad. What do you do? How do you respond when you get stuck in the rut of negativity?  IN THIS EPISODE 0:34 Today we're talking about what to do when you're having a bad day. You have a business to run, your kids are driving you nuts and you just got off a bad phone call. It happens. You're not alone. Even those of us who have the tools to keep a positive mindset have a bad day. 1:26 There's going to be people who suck your energy that put you in a bad mood.  1:40 This is about arming you with the skills to shift your focus so you don't let others ruin your day. I'm not going to let it ruin my mood or my productivity. Here are 3 things to do when you have a negative encounter. 2:32 Take 5-minutes to be mad. I personally have a heavy bag and I love my heavy bag because I can go and beat this thing. It doesn't take 5 minutes but give yourself the full time to acknowledge i