Raise Your Vibe

055 - Random Acts of Kindness Can Make You Rich!



Random acts of kindness are awesome but what you get back when you give is even better! Find out how the law of reciprocity can make giving even better. IN THIS EPISODE 0:18 Today we are talking about a few of my favorite things, random acts of kindness, the law of reciprocity and getting rich. And what I want to talk specifically about is giving money away before you actually have it. 1:09 In elementary school we played a game called Animal Tappers, where there were people who went around the room and tapped on the other kids. I loved this game because it was doing something good and no one knew it was me. It was a good feeling. 2:40 It's not something we do as adults, so how do you get the same feeling? By giving things away or improving the life of others. Tony Robbins talks about how when he was young, his family was blessed by a random act of kindness and it's changed his life. 3:46 Jeff Hoffman tells a story about how he donated a large amount of cash to a women's shelter in his area and how he was on t