Raise Your Vibe

047 - Addicted: How to Change your Negative Thinking Patterns



Are you addicted? You probably are running through the list of things that you do to see if you've got an addiction problem. That's not what we're talking about in this episode. In this episode, we're talking about the addiction to negative thinking and of course, how you can stop. IN THIS EPISODE 0:24 We're talking about addictions today. Not addictions to drug, alcohol or food. We're talking about your addiction to negative thoughts. 0:37 What triggers negative thoughts and emotion and how can you start to reframe or avoid them so you can feel better all the time. When you feel better, life is better and your vibe is higher. You're attracting into your life people who are happy, abundant and things that bring more money.  2:03 We are a high vibe party and high vibe people. And you can't do that if everything that goes through your head sucks and is negative.  2:47 Being happy is a choice. It's also an action to the things in our life. It's a way to stay comfortable or rewarding ourself. 3:17 Addiction, acco