Raise Your Vibe

041 - Are you embracing your money blocks?



Sometimes it's hard to let go of the things that are holding us back. Did you know that there are four emotions evoked through the money block process? Find out from me, Tonya Rineer, how to move past your money blocks and into abundance. IN THIS EPISODE 0:17 I'd love to have a little chat with you about your money blocks. Are you embracing them? Are you hanging on to them without even knowing it? Sometimes we hang on to things that are toxic. 1:18 We hang on to things that aren't serving us anymore. We get rid of buzz kills that don't pick us up and make us feel good. 1:54 Marie Kondo has you hold things in your hand and ask "does this make me feel good." How do you identify those things we hang on to? Let's talk about it. 2:32 Anytime we hang on to something that doesn't serve us it's because it's comfortable or there's a little bit of hope. Although you're not happy where you're at, it's comfortable. You choose where you're at in this relationship as an alternative situation that it could be worse. 3:35 Wh