Raise Your Vibe

034 - Getting What You Want by Letting Go



Are you letting go, or are you holding tightly to negative thoughts and bringing your vibe down? Have you thought about what's your vibe coming across as desperate or are you relaxed and welcoming any money coming your way? Go a little deeper in this episode with me, Tonya Rineer, as we create higher vibes through letting go. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: THE PROFIT PARTY ACADEMY If you've been in business for a few years and have hit a plateau, you're ready to make more money, and you're stuck, Tonya Rineer's Profit Party Academy is designed specifically for you. She wants to help you break down limiting beliefs and mindset blocks to set you up to rock in your business. The group academy will be a mix of group calls, mastermind and calls with Tonya. If you want more information, RSVP for her Profit Party Academy. IN THIS EPISODE 2:02 I want to dig into emotions and feelings - do they match? We so often think we believe that things are happening in our favor that clients are coming our way and that we'll hav