Bluejacket Connections

Podcast Introduction



Welcome to the first ever podcast of Bluejacket Connections!! It is also my first podcast as well! In this episode, I introduced the podcast and purpose: “To provide staff with updates on district happenings, share insights on district book read including applications from staff, share good news and educational updates and happenings.” The podcast is broken into four segments: News, Happenings & Announcements; Main content; Bluejacket Update - Good News; and Final thoughts and comments. In this episode I shared a quick update on the strategic plan, talked extensively about the district book read (district staff please click here for access to all the materials) as well as shared some amazing good news from around the district. As this is a first, your feedback is so very important so I encourage you to let us know what you think about the podcast. I do hope you enjoy the podcast!