Social Capital

280: Assembling your Network of Champions - with Ashley Owens



Meet Ashley:   Ashley is the first and only networking concierge that puts you in the right situation or gets you out of the wrong one. As a networking concierge, Ashley trains coaches and speaks on becoming an authority at generating revenue by networking with intention. Ashley is the host of two digital TV talk shows on RVNTV and THIS IS IT TV speaking and interviewing on the topic of tactical networking.   As someone who speaks, talks, teachers, coaches, all things networking, what has been the most effective networking tip that you have ever received?   The best one that I received, which I try to talk about all the time is nobody gives a damn about what you do. Nobody cares, they care how you make them feel and what value can bring to their lives. So I think the biggest challenge a lot of people have in that capacity is that people always forget, when they're in a networking situation or,  doing networking activities that they always have to be on. There is a level of good perception and good manne