Saevus: Poetry Sell More Than Porn

  • Author: Costa Boddah
  • Publisher: Bibliomundi


The Book          This book exists because I do not speak well, often I do not speak and when I say I am not understood. Writing is one of the few forms I know of that expresses me, although I believe that every word I write is abstract, but perhaps the feeling that each word creates is the same for everyone without any difference in the origin of that feeling.          In the first book I was another, I wanted to express everything that displeased me and I know I will not be the same in the next book, trying to express other feelings, better or worse? I do not know ! But it does not matter what person I'll be from now on, but what I'm going to do. I hope I can do better things for more people, with books and beyond, that's it and that's why there is this book and all the other Saevus (wild in Latin) for through what I know and what I can feel, others also can be seen between these verses.          I've never really been a fan of poetry, but I've always found a dead art, without life or passion, and it's really true. For a poem to have life the reciter needs to have a soul, the poem depends on it, or else he will not have life if there is no truth in the recite, whoever recites must feel poetry as if it were a knife ripping the skin to the bone. So why did I start writing something I did not believe in? Have I come to believe it? I actually learned what a poem needed to have life on July 19, 2017. The poem I wrote that day may not be the most beautiful, but it is the sincerest that my hands have ever created. I started writing poems because I could not get a song I did the day my grandfather died, which gave rise to the books called 'July 19'.          The idea of ​​writing this little book of poems came after the death of my maternal grandfather, so I started writing poems after that with the idea of ​​writing a book a year. Over the course of these two years that this book was written, I was afraid not to do the right thing and often did not. Because of this it took another year to be done, but between one thing or another we ended up here, between the wrong and right choices. The funny thing is that all things shape what we do and what we are, regardless of right or wrong
