Home from the front lines after being wounded, Trevor wants to get back to combat. Diane, his psychiatrist, and Tina, the PR lady who wants to make him a celebrated hero, have different ideas. Both are convincing and attractive. Trevor has ideas of his own about how to spend his time with these women, and others he meets. It's a new kind of battleground for all of them.
~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~
"Beautiful landing," he said.
The pilot laughed. "It's not that hard to make a good landing when no one's shooting at you, Captain."
Captain Trevor Foster smiled. The pilot was good, and she was also sexy. He wondered how she managed to look hot in all that flying gear.
"Good point, Major."
She was right, of course. Hell, in a world where being where being shot wasn't your biggest concern, everything was easier. When bullets weren't flying, a man could take the time to notice a woman as a woman, the way he was now taking in this sleek Major who'd flown him from the hospital.
But she was good. The helicopter had touched down gently and then settled onto the pad. His wounds weren't totally healed, and a jarring landing would have been painful. "I appreciate the gentle touch down more than you can imagine."
"I can imagine," she said curtly. "I got shot down once two years ago."
A second look confirmed his assessment. In addition to being a good pilot, she was definitely a woman worth noticing. He gave her what he hoped was an engaging smile. "Then you understand. And, now that you mention it, I think that's the first time I've been up in one of these things outside of a combat zone."
The smile she flashed him told him she knew he was being sincere. "In that case, Captain, I'm glad I was the one to give you your first pleasure ride even if it was just a commute from the hospital back to the shop."
He grinned. The shop, the factory floor... people in the service gave all sorts of names to military bases. He'd never been sure why, but there it was. "Well, the journey is the thing, right?"
"Sometimes it is, but without a soft landing at the end, a pleasant journey can turn into a nasty experience. Speaking of nasty experiences, any idea what sort of assignment you'll get after your hero's welcome and a rest?"
"Not really. I'll ask to go back. I left some bad guys standing. But don't get ideas. This hero shit is a working gig, Major, not a vacation."
"Really?" Her smile showed skepticism. Rightfully so. He'd be skeptical too.
"I'm off active duty, for rehab and evaluation so they can make sure I'm fit enough to get shot up again. In the meantime, they expect me to earn my keep doing publicity stuff while my hero status is still bright and shiny. After that, I want to go back to the sandbox."
"I'd think that after all that time in combat you'd need to unwind a little, especially if you intend to go back."
That had the delightful sound of an invitation about it one a man starved for female companionship would be foolish to ignore. But this was the Army and you had to be careful when flirting with women who outranked you. Some liked it, but if they didn't you could be in deep shit. "I have no idea how much time I'll have, but what good soldier can't manage to find some play time? How about you? Is there any time for play in your routine?"