Return To Nature! The True Natural Method Of Healing And Living

  • Author: Adolf Just
  • Publisher: StreetLib


Nature ever shows the true and perfect way, Therefore learn betimes ne'er from her paths to stray.

The Simpler Life is the demand of the hour. The confusions of a complex civilization, the disintegration of the old-fashioned home, the distractions of international discord, the perplexity of the individual mind wavering between the evolution of Science and the revolution of Theology—all these disturbing elements have settled moodily into a sense of universal unrest, that pervades the mingled atmosphere ofnations.

Poets, preachers, philosophers, even diplomatists and politicians have propounded causes and proposed cures innumerable. But the dream of Individual Peace and Universal Harmony is as yet but a beautiful vision of prophetic revelation. And realization seems too remote to reckon with.

Simply because we humans have persistently sought Peace from external conditions.

One single attainment would bring the concept from the clouds into the concrete—Be at peace with yourself.