Adult Placement Network speaks to resources in the community focused on housing, aging, disabilities, caregiving and health topics.
Aging Resourcefully Michele Fiasca: Homing Together updates
31/10/2011 Duration: 30minMichele Fiasca: Homing Together talks about updates and services offered through Homing Together. The free website provides a shared housing resources nationwide. APN interviews a wide variety of experts in the field of aging services. This program invites you to join us in the process of discovering all that progressing through the life course a fun, and yet experienced way. Join APN every Monday at noon PST.
Aging Resourcefully Lauren Huffman of Oregon Neighbors
24/10/2011 Duration: 29minLauren Huffman of Oregon Neighbors will be sharing her lunch hour with Aging Resourcefully listeners.Oregon Neighbors offers In-home care ‘with a flair’. Oregon Neighbors provides Non-medical in home care/licensed with the state. All caregivers have had experience caring for their own family members. Background checks on all. Minimum of 1 hour (many companies have 3-4 hour minimum), after first hour, charge in 15 minute increments Lauren has partnered with Retirement Connection to produce a series of Public Service programs. Programs will air locally and then be available on an exclusive youTube channel. Topics include: Elder Abuse Elder Law Dementia Home Health vs Home Care Home Resources Aging in Place Downsizing Estate Sales Medicare vs Medicaid Living with Family Family Dynamics Family History Communicating with those with Memory Loss Where to Start in a Crisis When to Take the Keys Join Adult Placement Network in the process of discovering all that progressing through the life course ent
Aging Resourcefully: Carolyn A. Brent: Author 'Why Wait?
17/10/2011 Duration: 30minCarolyn A. Brent is author of the book "Why Wait? The Baby Boomers' Guide to Preparing Emotionally, Financially & Legally for a Parents' Death", which is a guide for family caregivers and aging parents (release date November 2011).As a speaker, she travels throughout the United States lecturing about the importance of adult siblings and parents having what she calls “crucial conversations” in preparation for the end-of-life issues they may face, so that instead of being torn apart, they can come together as a strong family. She is committed to enhancing the lives of family caregivers and their aging parents throughout the world.Carolyn is the founder of Grandpa's Dream: learn about Grandpa's Dream here.APN interviews a wide variety of experts in the field of aging services. Our programs invite you to join us in the process of discovering all that progressing through the life course a fun, and yet experienced way. Join Adult Placement Network every Monday at noon PST for Aging Resourcefully!
Aging Resourcefully: Debbie Davis: Elder Place
10/10/2011 Duration: 29minDebbie Davis of Providence Elder Place is our guest this week. We will discuss Elder Place's programming: Who is eliglible, the services that are available and community outreach. Join us on Monday, October 10th at noon, PST for our conversation with Debbie Davis.APN interviews a wide variety of experts in the field of aging services. Our programs invite you to join us in the process of discovering all that progressing through the life course a fun, and yet experienced way. Join Adult Placement Network every Monday at noon PST for Aging Resourcefully!
Aging Resourcefully: Laura Miller: Sapphire Daily Money Mgt
03/10/2011 Duration: 30minLaura Miller of Sapphire Daily Money Management combines her 25 years corporate background experience with a determined, resourceful and caring nature. As a consumer and senior advocate she is constantly contacting government agencies, credit card companies, banks, retail companies and charities on behalf of Sapphire clients. Laura is an active member of the American Association of Daily Money Managers.APN interviews a wide variety of experts in the field of aging services. Our programs invite you to join us in the process of discovering all that progressing through the life course a fun, and yet experienced way. Join Adult Placement Network every Monday at noon PST for Aging Resourcefully!