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Bible Study For Lazy People
20/02/2013 Duration: 15minSeriously! We have a Bible study series for people who absolutely can’t or maybe just won’t study for hours at a time. If you will give us 15 minutes a day we will walk you through whole books of the Bible in a way that the Scriptures make sense. The New Inductive Study Series (NISS) is perhaps one of our best kept secrets. These studies are perfect for people who really want to study the Bible but just don’t have the time for a Precept Upon Precept study. “God laid this series on my heart so that people could get a grasp of the whole counsel of God and not be fooled by the cunning craftiness of false teachers or tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, but instead handling the Word of God accurately. This is a great tool for your quiet time.” Kay Arthur On this program we will talk about this series, and how to use them for your own personal study or to make disciples.
Loving God and Others, The Heart of Faith
05/02/2013 Duration: 13minIt's easy to get confused about how to please God. After all there are so many commands in the Bible how can I possibly keep up with them! And, I thought we were suppose to live by grace. but what does that look like? Do you ever feel that way? Confused? Centuries ago, in answer to this question, Jesus simplified all the rules and regulations into just two great commands: love God and love people. On this edition of Precept Radio we are going to talk about how that might look for us today. Join us!
Help! How do I get a Precept Workshop at my church?
31/01/2013 Duration: 22minWouldn’t you love to have a Precept Ministries Workshop at your church?Wouldn’t you love to be a part of establishing people in God’s Word? Well, we’re here to help. There is a lot that goes into hosting a workshop but our team will walk you through it step by step. On this program we introduce you to Malinda Guider our workshop coordinator. Malinda has an amazing ability to simplify the process, take you by the hand, and help you successfully host a training workshop. You are going to love hearing a little bit of her story and hearing her passion to help people be a part of establishing others in God’s Word.
Online Bible Studies as resource for your church!
30/01/2013 Duration: 19minWe typically think of online Bible studies as a very personal thing, “Do I want to sign up for an online study?” And as a Bible study leader your answer is probably “no”.But have you thought about online Bible studies s a resource for your church?Online Bible studies can be a great way to get others in your church involved in Bible study. And in some cases they are these studies are equipping tools to train new leaders. On this edition of Precept Radio we are going to talk about the online Bible study offerings we have and make some suggestions for ways to use these resources as discipleship tools for your local church.
You Don't Know Who You're Talking To!
23/01/2013 Duration: 14minAs a Bible study leaders we really don’t know who we have in our class rooms. I don’t mean we don’t know their names or some details describing their lives. I mean we don’t know what hidden or secret little sins are masked behind the smiles our students wear. We don’t know the conviction they may be wrestling with or how overwhelmed they feel. The pain they live with or the regrets that torment them are often hidden by manicured appearances, pretty smiles, and polite greetings. Sometimes people look like fine church going Christians on the outside, but they are a total mess on the inside. Bible study brings the light of God and the magnifying glass of God into the dark recesses of our hearts. When God looks deeply into our messy lives it can be an overwhelming experience. Those moments may be quiet and calm, or they may be emotionally overwhelming. They will probably happen at home. But, they may happen in your class. Simply because the people have been in the Word, and you are leading them in a discussion of