Albaseerah Podcasts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Albaseerah is an non-profit organisation based in Bradford (United Kingdom), that calls to following the Quran and Sunnah upon the methodology of the early muslims - the Salaf as-Saalih. It is the pure religion which calls to Tawheed (singling out Allaah) and sincerity of worship. The call of all the prophets and Messengers.


  • There is NO Proof for the Milad


    Abu Muadh explains the concept of bidah and refutes the proofs that some use to sanction the milad. Download Audio

  • Fulfil Your Obligations Towards the Rulers


    A small clip from a lecture given by Abu Iyaad Download Audio

  • 10 Things that Expiate the Sins


    Abu Iyaad mentions 10 things that will expiate the sins taken from the works of Ibn TaymiyyahAudio clip from Sharh of Laameeyah (part 9)Download Audio

  • Brief Tafseer of Surah Al Fil


    A brief tafseer of Surah Al Fil, the year that the beloved prohpet Muhammad (sallaahu alayhee was sallaam) was born.Taken from Tafseer of Juz Amma (Selected Surahs) by Abu MuadhDownload Audio

  • The Previous Scriptures told about the Coming of Muhammad


    The People of the Book knew of the Coming of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) but they rejected him because he wasn’t from them. A short clip from Who is Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)? by Abu Hakeem Download Audio

  • How much did Abu Bakr spend aiding the deen??


    Abu Iyaad does the sums... Taken from Sharh of Laameeyah (lesson 8), which addressed the virtues of the companion Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him)Download Audio

  • When Seeking Marriage, Ask the Right Questions


    A few points of advice from Abu Khadeejah, as to what type of questions should one ask when seeking marriage. Taken from the lecture Living as a Muslim Family in the West. Download Audio

  • Dreams are of Three Types


    Abu Muadh explains the 3 different types of dream and that we shouldn't over emphasis and delve into their meanings and interpretation. Taken from lesson 6 of "The Chapter of the Prayer"Download Audio

  • The Action May Look Good...


    Our brother Abu Khadeejah explains despite the outward appearance of an action looking good it is rejected except if it fulfils two conditions.A short snippet taken from the lecture, "The Distinguishing Signs of the People of Sunnah"Download Audio

  • If You Were to Give Gold, the Size of Mount Uhud ...


    The hadith was addressing the younger Companions in reference to the older companions (May Allah be please with them all), so what about us who have been raised 1400 years later?Download Audio

  • Abu Bakr aided the deen with his wealth...


    Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) was amongst the first to embrace Islam and aided the deen with this life and wealth, listen to how much he aided the deen??? A short clip from the lecture "The Life of Abu Bakr" by Abu HakeemThe lesson is available from http://audio.albaseerah.comDownload Audio

  • Knowledge is not to be Taken from the Pious Worshipper


    Our brother Hasan as Sumali explains why knowledge is not to be taken from a pious worshipper, a point of benefit taken from the hadith of the man who killed 99 men.The lesson is available from http://audio.albaseerah.comDownload Audio

  • How the Shia Killed the Grandson of the Prophet Al-Husayn


    Abu Iyaad explains the true reality of the Shia and how they murdered the grandson of the Prophet (sallaahu alayhee was salaam) in Karbalah. Taken from Sharh of Ibn Taymiyyah's Laameeyah (lesson 6).Additional benefits from the lesson include - The History of the Shia - The events surrounding the killing of Uthman and Ali (May Allah be pleased with them)- Ali's (May Allah be pleased with him) stance towards the ShiaDownload Audio

  • The Virtues of the Quraan


    A short encouragement for children and adults alike regarding the virtues of learning the Quraan. The talk was delivered by our brother Abu Idrees Muhammad in Masjid As Sunnah, Bradford. Your browser does not support the audio element.Download Audio

  • Seeking Knowledge in Times of Fitnah – Shaykh Bin Baaz


    Fitnah will always occur, more so when one strives in the way of Allah.In this advice to the student of knowledge, the noble Shaykh Bin Baaz (May Allah Have Mercy On Him) sets out guidelines on how one should behave when fitnah comes.How should a person react to news, and statements.How a person should deal with his fellow brothers and save himself falling into the fitnah, so much so that it could cause him to fall out from the deen.The treatise is translated by our brother Abdulilah Lahmami (May Allah Preserve Him)Audio courtsey of our brothers at browser does not support the audio element.Download Audio

  • And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves


    This is an explanation of the ayah of Qur’an, “And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Qur'an), and be not divided among yourselves”, Surah Aali Imran (3:103) from the teaching of Shaykh Saalih al Fawzan. The lecture was delivered by our brother Abu Idress Muhammad in Middlesbrough. Audio courtesy of and Your browser does not support the audio element.Download Audio

  • ISLAM: The Religion of Truth


    Is it possible that all of creation, from the various complex species and planets, solar systems and so on just came by chance? Or were we created by an All Wise Creator. In addition to this what is the purpose of our creation, what is expected of us from our Creator. Enlighten yourself and open your mind to attaining the answers to these and many other questions about our purpose in life. This lecture explains in a very simple and accessible manner the truth behind our creation and that we have not been left without guidance on this matter.Lecture by our brother, Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis Your browser does not support the audio element.Download Audio

  • Who Are the Saved Sect?


    There is no doubt amongst the Muslims that the religion is complete and is no need of any additions nor deletions. Sadly, today there are many groups and parties that understand Islam differently to the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (Sallallaahi Ahlayhi Wassalam). Groups and parties, who have added that which doesn’t belong to it. This talk which took place at the Salafi Centre of Manchester, highlights the perfection of the religion and the methodology of the Saved Sect, the people who are upon the Quran and Sunnah and upon the understanding of the Pious Predecessors - the Salafus Saalih.Lecture by our brother Abu KhadeejahYour browser does not support the audio element.Download Audio

  • Having Taqwa of Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)


    This is an English translation of one of the khutbahs delivered by the Noble Shaykh Saalih Al Fawzaan (hafidhahullah). The topic of the sermon is regarding "Having Taqwa of Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)".English translation by our brother, Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq.Your browser does not support the audio element.Download Audio

  • The Importance of Endeavour & Determination


    Imaam Ibn al Qayyim (rahimahullaah) mentioned that "An individual can only attain completion by away of perfecting two things.” The two things are Knowledge and Determination. This lecture by our brother Hasan as-Somaalee illustrates the importance of these two qualities, its positive effects and the consequences upon individuals lacking these qualities. Download Audio