From the people from, Gadgetlyst Bytes is a monthly podcast recapping the month that was in gadgets, a recap on the reviews and answering your questions on gadgets. You can send your questions to Hosted by Tom Solari and Stewart Wilson.
Remembering Gadgetlyst Bytes: A Tribute
06/02/2013 Duration: 25minGadgetlyst Bytes was your monthly recap of gadget news. With Tom Solari and Stewart Wilson at the helm, the episodes usually contained minimal on-topic conversation and plenty of off-topic nonsense. We’ve created this episode to Tribute Gadgetlyst Bytes since it may not see another episode. If you think Gadgetlyst Bytes should return, please let us know. DOWNLOAD MP3 SUBSCRIBE via iTunes SUBSCRIBE via RSS The post Remembering Gadgetlyst Bytes: A Tribute appeared first on TechGeek.
Gadgetlyst Bytes 11: No More Talking
04/12/2011 Duration: 44minYes, due to Talking’s unrivalled reception, or lack of, we have decided to resume the normal podcast. This month we talk about exploding iPhones, lip reading Kinects and again, more Android stuff. As Stewart decided during the podcast, the next Gadgetlyst Byte will be coming to you in video format from our CES studio sometime in Jan! Also Chris joins us this month and that about all I can think of at [...] The post Gadgetlyst Bytes 11: No More Talking appeared first on TechGeek.
Gadgetlyst Bytes 10: Talking
06/11/2011 Duration: 56minThis month, well, we talk. That is it. Talk Stewart and Tom just talk. Of course they have some stories that help the conversions (listed below) so listen in and see what you think. Also this was recorded a week early due to Stewarts inability to read a calendar! See you next month! DOWNLOAD MP3 SUBSCRIBE via iTunes SUBSCRIBE via RSS Show Notes The Stories TIT FOR TAT – Samsung [...] The post Gadgetlyst Bytes 10: Talking appeared first on TechGeek.
Gadgetlyst Bytes 9: The month of Windows
02/10/2011 Duration: 43minThis month we cover the all new developer preview of Windows 8, while playing Minecraft, and also talk about Windows Phone Mango 7.5 and the Kindle Fire! Stewart and Tom are on a winning record for attending and don’t forget to subscribe and download and RSS and whatever else you can do. See you next month! DOWNLOAD MP3 SUBSCRIBE via iTunes SUBSCRIBE via RSS Show Notes The Stories BUILD 2011: Windows 8 [...] The post Gadgetlyst Bytes 9: The month of Windows appeared first on TechGeek.
Gadgetlyst Bytes 8: Computer, Google and Motorola and the TouchPad
04/09/2011 Duration: 45minThis month, we talk about various gadget stuff. Right… who would have guessed! Only joking, we talk about the computer, how Google is acquiring Motorola and the tales of a dying TouchPad. Stewart and Tom again are both here and this episode is actually on time!! Don’t forget to subscribe and download and RSS and whatever else you can do. See you next month! DOWNLOAD MP3 SUBSCRIBE via iTunes SUBSCRIBE via RSS Show [...] The post Gadgetlyst Bytes 8: Computer, Google and Motorola and the TouchPad appeared first on TechGeek.
Gadgetlyst Bytes 7: Nokia N9, Raspberry Pi and redesigning game design…
07/08/2011 Duration: 38minThis month on the show we talk about the hands-on Tom had with the Nokia N9, the Raspberry Pi $25 computer and that ‘atom by atom’ game engine. Stewart and Tom have made a record, this being the second time in a row both them have been on the show at the same time. So don’t forget to subscribe and download and RSS and whatever else you can do. See you next [...] The post Gadgetlyst Bytes 7: Nokia N9, Raspberry Pi and redesigning game design… appeared first on TechGeek.
Gadgetlyst Bytes 5: Cupcakes, Windows 8 and a Fight
05/06/2011A $25 computer, Microsoft is making more money from Android and we find out Terence is a Nintendo fanboy and duels Chris over the Nintendo 3DS. All this and a tad bit more in this month’s edition of Gadgetlyst Bytes. This month’s edition sees the return of Terence filling in for Stewart and Chris joining us. Wait, what? I thought we have two people only? Are we changing the format? [...] The post Gadgetlyst Bytes 5: Cupcakes, Windows 8 and a Fight appeared first on TechGeek.
Gadgetlyst Bytes 4: PSN… LOL
02/05/2011Welcome to the fourth episode of Gadgetlyst Bytes – our new monthly podcast recapping the month in gadget news. This month, we take a look at the PSN, HTC Mozart hacking and more Android shenanigans… Hosted by Stewart and Tom, we also provide you an update of the all the latest reviews on, which after Stewart decides he would like to, talks about the Acer Iconia tablet! Don’t forget to listen, [...] The post Gadgetlyst Bytes 4: PSN… LOL appeared first on TechGeek.
Gadgetlyst Bytes 3: iPads, Xooms and Zunes
10/04/2011Welcome to the third episode of Gadgetlyst Bytes – our new monthly podcast recapping the month in gadget news. This month, we take a look at all of the new iPad, Xoom, Atrix, Commodore 64 and of course, Zune! Hosted by Stewart and I Terence and Tom (because Stewart is ‘too tired’), we also provide you an update of the all the latest reviews on, namely the Nokia E7 and Parallels Desktop [...] The post Gadgetlyst Bytes 3: iPads, Xooms and Zunes appeared first on TechGeek.
Gadgetlyst Bytes 2: Tablet Mania
06/03/2011 Duration: 37minWelcome to the second episode of Gadgetlyst Bytes – our new monthly podcast recapping the month in gadget news. This month, we take a look at all of the tablets and phones coming out, the Kinect SDK, and of course, the new iPad! Hosted by Stewart and I (and not Terence, not that we hate him or anything), we also provide you an update of the all the latest reviews on [...] The post Gadgetlyst Bytes 2: Tablet Mania appeared first on TechGeek.
Gadgetlyst Bytes 1: The Pilot
06/02/2011 Duration: 33minWelcome to the very first episode of our new show, Gadgetlyst Bytes – our new monthly podcast recapping the month in gadget news. This month, we take a look at Sandy Bridge’s huge flaw, RIM topping Apple and Android, taking a look at some very yummy Gingerbread. Hosted by Stewart and I (and not Terence, not that we hate him or anything), we also provide you an update of the [...] The post Gadgetlyst Bytes 1: The Pilot appeared first on TechGeek.