Plunderbund is Ohio's Most Influential Political Blog. The Plunderbund Podcast presents National and Ohio politics from our on the ground perspective. Loyal readers can tell you that we often use humor to make our points, but also do intense research and break news stories as well.
The Supreme Court and Ohio Election Lawsuits
05/07/2016 Duration: 41minThe Plunderbund Podcast is back. Joe is not available, but Lycurgus Group VP and General Counsel, and former prosecutor, Josh Engel takes over hosting duties. We are joined this week by Professor Paul Moke. In addition to teaching political science at Wilmington College, Professor Moke has been involved in a number of election law challenges to Republican efforts to restrict voting in Ohio. We discuss the recent Supreme Court decisions on abortion and affirmative action, and try to predict where the Court is going next. We then discuss the three (yes, three!) major ongoing lawsuits challenging aspects of Ohio’s election laws. Let us know your thoughts and ideas on Twitter. Links: Earl Warren and the Struggle for Justice Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin NEOCH v. Husted Ohio A. Philip Randolph Institute and NEOCH v. Husted Ohio Organizing Collaborative v. Husted Follow: Plunderbund: @plunderbund Joshua Engel: @joshuaadamengel
What Might the Kasich Administration Be Hiding?
10/05/2016 Duration: 43minWhat is the Kasich Administration hiding? The Plunderbund Podcast is joined this week by Catherine Turcer, Policy Analyst for Common Cause Ohio. We discuss open records law in Ohio, including a new reform proposal and recent Ohio Supreme Court decisions that make some law enforcement records easier to access. Plus we make some big news. Let us know your thoughts and ideas on Twitter. Links: SB 321 Ohio Sunshine Manual Senator Robert Kelly Follow: Plunderbund: @plunderbund Catherine Turcer: @catherineturcer Joshua Engel: @joshuaadamengel
Abortion Rights and the Supreme Court
18/04/2016 Duration: 30minThe Republican War on Women. The Plunderbund Podcast is joined this week by Jaime Miracle, Deputy Director of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio. We discuss restrictions on abortion rights, the recent Supreme Court arguments on the Texas law that seeks to close down abortion clinics by imposing onerous regulations, and whether someone can be both pro-choice and a feminist. Plus , we ask: Who should play John Kasich, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in a movie version of the 2016 Presidential Race? And, should Ohio enact a new law to prohibit Troy McClure from “going to Seaworld?” Let us know your thoughts and ideas on Twitter. Links: NARAL Prochoice Ohio Argument Transcript: Texas Abortion Restrictions Senate Bill 195 Follow: Plunderbund: @plunderbund Jamie Miracle: @jmiracleoh Joshua Engel: @joshuaadamengel
BONUS: The Music of John Kasich
05/04/2016 Duration: 06minLast summer, John Kasich tried to be everything to everyone in terms of musical tastes. He told The Hill, “I like Linkin Park. I like U2. I like a lot of different bands. I like some stuff that Justin Timberlake does.” Remembering that he was in a GOP Primary, Kashch remembered to pander, adding, “I’ve found on the road that I have been able to listen to some beautiful, soothing Christian music, which I really hadn’t done before. I find it to be really good.” In February, Kasich told CNN of another musical goal, bringing back Pink Floyd. He said, “And if I’m president, I am going to once and for all try to reunite Pink Floyd.” Last fall a musician named “Jumpin” Joe Matsko, 81 wrote a song for the Kasich campaign. The song is called Man of the Hour and it sings the praises of Ohio, the Buckeyes football team, and John Kasich. We reveal a shocking truth: Jumpin’ Joe plagiarized the Kasich song from a song he wrote about Mitt Romney for the last election. LINKS: Kasich’s Taste in Music Kasich on Pink
Education in Ohio
28/03/2016 Duration: 35minThe Plunderbund Podcast focuses on education in Ohio with special guest Denis Smith. Denis is an educational consultant who worked for the Ohio Department of Education’s Office of Community Schools from 2007 to 2011. This week we answer the question: does John Kasich’s rhetoric on education match what is happening in Ohio? John Kasich touts his educational record on his presidential campaign website. He says, “For American students to be prepared for success in an increasingly competitive global economy, they must receive strong education support from parents and educators, including high expectations—especially in math and English. John Kasich has put this priority to work in Ohio.” The discussion covers teacher evaluations, Common Core, and the union busing politics of the Kasich Administration. We also take a deep dive into the Charter Schools scandal. Ohio ranks among the top five states in the number of charter schools. The state has, according to the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, more th
Ohio Primary Results
17/03/2016 Duration: 32minThis week on the Plunderbund Podcast we discuss the results of the hard fought Presidential Primaries in Ohio. Hillary Clinton and John Kasich were able to beat back tough challenges -- what does this mean for Ohio in November. Our second topic is some of the other notable races in Ohio that were decided on primary day, including the ouster of the Cleveland Prosecuting Attorney. Finally, we end as we do every week with Predictions. Joe Mismas and Joshua Engel are joined this week by lawyer and political consultant Gena Shelton. Links: Links: The NYT Results feature the the map of GOP results we reference in the podcast. Bernie Sanders Speech at Democratic Legacy Dinner Hillary Clinton Speech at Democratic Legacy Dinner Don't forget to Subscribe in iTunes. Please follow us on Twitter: @plunderbund or Like us on Facebook. Follow Joshua Engel: @joshuaadamengel Follow Gena on Twitter:@genamshelton
Pilot Episode
14/03/2016 Duration: 29minPlunderbund is trying out something new this election cycle: an Ohio Politics-themed podcast. The pilot episode of our Plundercast, recorded Tuesday, March 9th, 2016, features Sandy Theis, Executuve Director of ProgressOhio and former Plain Dealer Statehouse Bureau Chief, Josh Engel former prosecutor and current civil rights attorney and legal author, and Joe Mismas, a managing editor at The topics covered on this pilot episode include Ohio’s presidential primary, the push by Ohio Republicans to defund Planned Parenthood, as well as predictions for the coming week. We’re still working through some technical and connectivity challenges but our guests this week provided some valuable insight into the quickly changing political landscape in Ohio so take a listen and let us know what you think.