These podcasts contain energy/frequencies of cosmic transmissions as a creative expression of a larger, unified and expanding field of creative living light.
SCIcast09part2-soul awakening & expansion of consciousness
21/06/2014 Duration: 56minPart 2 - Summer Solstice Transmission - Ashland, Oregon 2014
SCIcast09part1-soul awakening & expansion of consciousness
21/06/2014 Duration: 58minPart 1 - Summer Solstice Transmission - Ashland, Oregon 2014
SCIcast07b-Magnetic Interfacing
13/05/2014 Duration: 39minBetween Electro-magnetic and Etheric-magnetic - Thought and Feeling
SCIcast06-May Transmission 2014
03/05/2014 Duration: 01h05minTransforming from a Carbon Based Chemical structure onto a Crystalline Light field
SCIcast05-Soul Expansion and Interfacing between the Soul and Conscious Personality
15/03/2014 Duration: 01h56sShifting from Carbon Based Chemical structure onto Crystalline Light fields
SCIcast04-You No Longer Need to Hold onto any Resistance
06/03/2014 Duration: 57minDiscussions around energy and consciousness.
SCIcast03-Frequencies of the New Earth and their Relationship with Quartz Crystals
01/03/2014 Duration: 01h02minWe are covering many aspects of consciousness and levels of expression for soul expansion.
SCIcast02-Love and Its Many Faces and Manifestations
15/01/2014 Duration: 59minA discussion on many facets of LOVE
SCIcast01-Soul Expansion
04/01/2014 Duration: 53minDiscussion between James Bradley Hughes and Ranjeeth Kumar Thunga on the subject of 'Soul Expansion'