Null and Void

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
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We are just a couple of guys who chill and talk about anything and everything! Movies, Cars, Girls, Exercise, Food, Gaming, News, anything thats going on in the world.


  • Null and Void Podcast 65


    N&V 65- AARP Edition  Stream or Listen to us hereDownload Mp3We made it to 65... but we aren't retired yet. Highlights of what we talked about:Our College Reunion A family of CigarettesChinese drivingAll in the FamilyHollywood is GAY (bane,bane,, thats my name !)A new PenIS mightier Face BlindPats CheatMGS 5 BatmanAnd a special Celebrity guest stops in. (take a guess by the pic) Bonus : Secret question from our Number one FAN! wait till you see the video Really Safe for work.more cowbell pleaseto eat or not to eat?battle royalcheaters never prosper ? 4 superbowls says otherwiseI love chinese newsthat is jax teller and the mayor from the wire (aka little finger)

  • Podcast 64 - Null and Void


    N&V 64 - Now your playing with Power Stream or Listen to us hereDownload MP3Whats this? Another podcast and so soon ? I don't believe it !!! Highlights of what we talked about:The perfect murderBrojobsKermit the FrogN64Stringer BellChinese Hearing ProblemDetachable PenisHitmanBreakfast All Day id buy that for a dollar?win a nobel prizewhats your top 5 ?

  • Null and Void Podcast 62


    Null and void podcast 62 - We cannot tell a lieListen here as wellDownload MP3Highlights of what we talked about:StressrADIOIShackHow does your Dick Measure Up ?We like Big ButtsMature BatmanEagles are crazySamcroThe GuestDon't eat Tuna 

  • Null and Void Podcast 63


    N&V 63 - We arise again through the ashes of desire ? Yeah that sounds cool.Stream or Listen to us hereDownload the MP3Highlights of what we talked about:Sad Shooting in VATrump the pimpCurt the man SchillingAshley Madison ManSubway - Eat Underage PussyFoot Network star CookingNazi stuffXbox One BackwardsWorld Traveling and dreaded night bus tolietTV worldRick and MortyWalking Dead - Spin offsSOATrue Detective Summer Movie ReviewsAvengers, Jurassic, T5 and moreGreatest Porn Story ever ToldAnd our smashing Secret Question.National Nazi Staring Knight RiderThats meeee RunnHave funCheck out the humble beginnings of Rick and Morty: And for the heck of it... when i was looking for phoenix pictures...

  • Podcast 61 Null and Void


    Null and void Podcast 61 - Strange and ConfusedListen to the podcast and you'll understand this pictureListen to us HereDownload the Mp3 HereHighlights of what we talked about:Coach k UpdatesBuck your my AngelBrian Williams... what are you doing ?Polar BearsRape CityJohn Wick Denver the last DinosaurSam CrowSpiderman and MarvelPenis on the RunwayMasturbating in the library N&V requested - Marvel and Fox ListenedWhat is below the belt ?Click here for the NSFW mind blowing picture Your daughter is hot though...Seriously.. i think she ate the double down a few timesWould I try this ? Yes.. Would I be happy ? I don't know

  • Null and Void Detour Eviction w/Cut Throat


    Null and Void: Eviction DetourListen HereDownload the MP3If you haven't read our Eviction notice post, check it out here.Exposed in the backyard ?Throwing Hamburgers ?Verbal Misconduct toward the landlords ?Listen in and find out the story behind this absurd notice.Here is the original note:For more Cut Throat - Listen to Podcast 60

  • Podcast 59


    Null and Void 59 - Which one is the ugly one? Download MP3 hereListen and Stream here as wellHighlights of what we talked about:Guilty pleasuresSuperbowlInflate GateAmerican SniperSnap chat MistakesTrue Love?Captain BadasssFood reviews - Jiro and QualityFeminism Double Dick Dude againAs long s they are happyBad TeacherOMG NEED THISWhat does he dream of ?

  • Podcast 58 Null and Void


    Null and Void 58 - Exploration of Science and Body You can also listen and stream HEREDownload the MP3Highlights of what we talked about:Ghosting BitchesBeating the System - AirlinesPlaydoh PenisDouble TroubleNumber 1 Pr0n Space and the Universe Dog PoopSports Poop2015 Big moviesXbox you got to have PowerArmpit Love  Best part of a shitty MovieBurn in hell.. but let me fap firstFor kidsShiiiiiiiiiiiiit

  • Podcast 57 Null and Void


    My Preferred Version  Click here to listen (if you have problems with the stream player)Download the MP3 hereHighlights of what we talked about:Don't Stop Believing (in Santa)Crazy Tow Truck DriverPorn is why you are not marriedVodka in RussaGuinea Pig GangBangThe Interview I make my own White Sauce Most Over Paid Actor in HollywoodWhat the hellJurassic ArcherTrueGang bang