Customers For Life

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 11:15:56
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Let's be clear right out of the gate, earning customers for life is not rocket science. You don't have to get deep in the weeds with the analytics that justify the big payoff to just being cool with your customers. All your customers really want is to feel like they matter and that they have value to your business. The big disconnect for businesses is in exactly how they create an exceptional customer experience so that they stand out in a sea of sameness.We're here to share high level strategies and boots-on-the-streets tactics that will get your business on the path to connecting with your customers in unique ways that will differentiate your business from everyone else's. We share stories and lessons with key take-aways so that you can stop hemorrhaging money in the form of lost customers.


  • CFL 029 Sorting Your Customers Into 2 Categories: Happy Or Not

    12/11/2015 Duration: 33min

    As a business owner, don't you often wonder how your customer is feeling at every step of their journey with your organization, across all touch points? Today's guest explains the big dividends of getting immediate feedback in the transaction regardless of whether they purchased or not. This is gold in a time when most customers are indifferent to your offer and will easily go to your competitor. Todd Theisen is the Executive Vice President for Happy Or Not, a simple and intuitive display for your business to measure employee and/or customer satisfaction, monitor the results and engage with your people to improve satisfaction. They are the key to getting your customers and employees to give you the feedback you need to continuously improve,  Listen in as he explains the value of capturing real-time insights. Connect with Todd in Linkedin:

  • CFL 028 - How To Inspire Ownership Thinking With Matt Levesque

    12/10/2015 Duration: 26min

    If you want your customers to be happy, you have to have employees who are well matched for the task. Matt Levesque runs a sales force that is responsible for nearly 1 billion dollars in sales.  He lends his insights into the hiring process with his 3 golden questions that helps him understand what makes a candidate tick.

  • CFL 027 10 Keys To Retail Success With Forbes Contributor Nicole Reyhle

    05/10/2015 Duration: 36min

    Nicole Reyhle is Founder & Editorial Director for Retail Minded publication. She is a Forbes contributor on the subject of retail sales and customer service. Listen in as Nicole shares her 10 best practices for retail success. Connect with Nicole in Twitter: @RetailMinded

  • CFL 026 - Tesla Motors Secret To Getting & Keeping The Right Employees With Louis Efron

    29/09/2015 Duration: 25min

    In this edition of Customers For Life, Louis Efron, Head of Global Employee Engagement at Tesla Motors, shares his secrets for hiring the right people who further the mission of the organization. He is a contributing writer for Forbes and Huffington Post and the author of How to Find a Job, Career and Life You Love.

  • CFL 025 - A Simple Strategy For Growing Any Business With Mike Michalowicz

    18/09/2015 Duration: 31min

    There is a big lesson to be learned from farmers. Not the every day guys, but those county fair geeks who grow one ton pumpkins. They hold the secret to explosive growth, and Mike will show you how it applies directly to your business. It’s your turn to grow an award winning, explosive company! By his 35th birthday MIKE MICHALOWICZ(pronounced mi-‘kal-o-wits) had founded and sold two multi-million dollar companies. Confident that he had the formula to success, he became an angel investor… and proceeded to lose his entire fortune. Then he started all over again, driven to find better ways to grow healthy, strong companies. Among other innovative strategies, Mike created the “Profit First Formula”, a way for businesses to ensure profitability from their very next deposit forward. Mike is now running his third million dollar venture, is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal; is the former MSNBC business make-over expert; is a popular keynote speaker on innovative entrepreneurial topics; an

  • CFL 024 - How Emotionally Intelligent Are Your Executives?

    07/07/2015 Duration: 24min

    You can't be customer centric unless you're employee centric. And being employee centric means that you're focusing on connecting at a deeper level with what they personally care and value.  This is what creates an organization of people who are inherintly focused on delivering exceptional customer experiences. There is a direct cause and effect between how your employees are treating your customers and how business owners and managers treat the employees. It's a straight line. Today's guest is Marty Lassen is an expert at emotional intelligence and critical thinking. She is an owner at Complete Intelligence.  Marty has coached hundreds of executives, and is founder of the nationally acclaimed Women's Business Forum. Connect with Marty in Linkedin

  • CFL 023 - Secrets To The World's Most Inspiring Presentations With Jeremey Donovan

    06/07/2015 Duration: 19min

    In this episode we explore the big dividends behind the world's most inspiring presentations.  Guest Jeremey Donovan is a TED Talk super fan and has studied hundreds of the most popular presentations to understand the elements of the winning formula that moves audiences of any size to get their heads nodding 'yes'. Whether you're presenting to an audience of one or many, Jeremey's framework will help you answer the questions your audience is asking in their minds. Learn more about Jeremey's work at Connect with Jeremey in Linkedin:

  • CFL 022 - Learn The Secret Formula To A Profitable Sales Funnel With Russell Brunson

    26/06/2015 Duration: 22min

    Russell Brunson is a rare breed in the Internet Marketing space. He is an expert and taking very complicated online principles and helping new marketers leverage this tool as a way to grow their business, scale their efforts and increase profitability. He is the founder of and the author of the recently published book (which you can get for FREE) Dot Com Secrets.  Listen in as we explore the big dividends behind creating a markeing plan that is evergreen, meaning the technology will change, that's a given, but your strategy should remain the same.  He'll help you understand how to design an effective strategy. Connect with Russell: Facebook: Twitter: @dotcomsecrets

  • CFL 021 - Our Ridiculously Simple 8 Steps To Customer Recovery

    23/06/2015 Duration: 10min

    Benjamin Franklin said, "Only two things are certain in life; death and taxes." If you own a business then there is actually one other certainty: You will have at least one unhappy customer. There is big money behind the proper recovery of this customer because they will actually be more loyal to your brand if you take the appropriate steps to manage the next steps.   This is great news!  You've just extended the lifetime value of the customer, they're going to talk about what you did to demonstrate you cared AND you'll learn some pretty interesting stuff about how to improve your offering. Pamela Herrmann shares her 8 steps that every business owner and manager should master. Heck, every employee should master this!

  • CFL 020 - Are You Leaning In For The Kiss Too Early? Social Selling Made Easy With Liz Wendling

    22/06/2015 Duration: 21min

    Ever seen this in Twitter? "Thanks for the follow! Download my cool thing. [link]" I have, and it's awkward as hell. I just met you and I'm doing what everyone else is doing -- I'm asking, "What's in it for me? This is a critical mistake most businesses make online because it overlooks a critical step in social networking and that is to building rapport and relationship FIRST before asking me to take an action. Our guest Liz Wendling shares the tips and strategies on how to be normal online and grow your business by using these powerful online tools in a purposeful way.

  • CFL 019 - Behind The Curtain Of Sports Marketing With Michael Williams

    17/06/2015 Duration: 21min

    Our guest Michael Williams, CMO for Grand Prix America, Formula One, has worked in sports marketing his entire career including the NFL, NHL, San Francisco 49ers and Mighty Ducks of Anaheim in addition to Disney. In this edition he shares that sports marketing is no different than any other marketing. He's a genius at explaining how he creates a vision for the marketing plan and how he shares that vision with his team and gets them on board with the vision so that they can create can exceptional customer experience. Connect with Michael Williams in Twitter

  • CFL 018 - How Exceptional Leaders Create Powerful Connections With William Black

    16/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    Storytelling is the great connector, and one of the most powerful tools in a leaders toolbox. Yet few have developed the skill and have leverated it fully to build powerful connections with their employees, customers and business partners. William Black, President of explains why most leaders miss the mark with their storytelling and shows us that by being an observer in life and showing up as the genuine you is the greatest key to leading an organization.   Connect with William at or Linkedin

  • CFL 017 - Exploring The Value Of Creating An Online Community With Thomas White

    15/06/2015 Duration: 18min

    Since the dawn of man, belongingto a group or a community is what kept us safe. It's how we distributed the labor of survival, practiced our religion or had our fun. It's no different today. Where there are like-minded people with a common interest, there is a group. Our guest, Thomas White is an expert at creating groups. He is the CEO of the C-Suite Collective and the C-Suite Network which brings together executives into a group to share ideas, collaborate, unveil the trends and support one another. Thomas explains that for a business, a group is a great way to deliver value in the form of content that serves the membership in a seeting where they begin to know, like and trust you. So whether it is in Facebook, LinkedIn or a blog, bringing people together to serve them first is a phenomenal way to grow your audience and spread the word about your products and services. For more information on how you can attend the C-Suite Network Conference  Connect with Thomas White on Twitter

  • CFL 016 - How Businesses Lull Their Customers To Sleep With Their Copywriting. With Ben Settle

    09/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    Today, there are multiple ways we communicate with our customers using technology. Our website, social media, ads, email, etc. But where most businesses miss the mark, and miss the money, is with their ability to tell the story of their business in any sort of compelling way. Copywriting can change the scope of what's hot now, but only if you nail the copwriting. Guest Ben Settle is one of the worlds best email marketers and shares his tips and strategies on how to take your audience on the journey that leads them to buy.  Check out Bens work and improve your copywriting skills at  

  • CFL 015 - Can You Answer These Two Questions About Your Tech Solution? Most Can't! With Jana Sedivy

    08/06/2015 Duration: 27min

    By the time most companies get to the point of mapping the customer journey, they are already way behind in the game.  When customer journey mapping should be done is before your build out your solution. Guest Jana Sedivik explains the massive gap that most tech companies encounter in their process of bringing their solution to market. Visit Jana's website,    

  • CFL 014 - Are Review Sites The Only Survey Tool You Need? With Guest Marty McDonald

    04/06/2015 Duration: 23min

    The pulse of social media and ratings & review websites are increasingly powerful as more consumers understand that THEY hold the power.  Businesses who are not fully engaged in this vehicle that amplifies your brand is missing the big picture value. Marty McDonald is a pro at helping craft beer and golf courses get their social media on. Check out Marty's work at  

  • CFL 013 - Your Hospital Stay Will Soon Feel Like The Ritz With Terre Short

    03/06/2015 Duration: 21min

    Yet another example of where the 'customer experience' is ruling the school. With Medicare reimbursement being tethered to patients perception of the care received, there is big money on the table that is motivating healthcare providers to put 'care' back into the process.  Consultant Terre Short shares how she works to flatten the org chart and put the patient at the top, instead of the bottom.

  • CFL 012 - Mindset, Action & Consistency Are The 3 Keys To Success With Wally Long

    02/06/2015 Duration: 32min

    Weldon (Wally) Long is a New York Times & Wall Street Journal Best Seller. He is an expert in the area of business growth by focusing on the simplicity of mindset, the sales process and the consistent application of what needs to get done.

  • CFL 011 - The Digital Answer To Who's Minding The Store With Justin Christianson

    01/06/2015 Duration: 22min

    The days of a website just being a brochure are long gone for those businesses who understand the hidden value of tracking customer behavior on a website.  There is gold to be mined when you understand the basics of website analytics. Our guest, Justin Christianson of Conversion Fanatics explains the simple 'musts' to identify the lost opportunity costs. Follow this link to download Justin's 24-Point Conversion Analysis 

  • CFL 010 - Do You Really Care About Customer Satisfaction Surveys? Yes Or No? With Guest Brian Clark

    28/05/2015 Duration: 23min

    Customer satisfaction surveys or market research surveys are highly valuable to an organization but let's be honest, most consumers would rather just provide that feedback in a ratings & review website like Yelp or in social media.  What actually happens with that data, and where are the missed opportunites for companies when it comes to closing the loop on these requests for feedback? Guest Brian Clark is a customer experience expert with and works with companies like Nike, Starbucks, Expedia & T-Mobile to bring increased sales through exceptional customer experiences.

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