Fitness blog. How to successfully lose weight and keep it off. Product reviews include- workout programs and healthy foods.
Best Time of the Year!
01/01/2012 Duration: 15minThis is the best time of the year to restart! Refocus on your weight loss!
Losing Weight or Losing the Battle
31/08/2011 Duration: 29minAre you finding it difficult to lose weight? Can't think of what you should eat? Or hate the idea of joining a gym? Get over these obstacles and stop losing the battle with losing weight and win by losing! Learn how to change your lifestyle comfortably to start living healthier!
Fantasy or Reality
31/07/2011 Duration: 14minGetting an action plan for losing weight and living healthier. Don't just diet or join a gym but rather make better choices.
Being Healthy Under All Circumstances
12/06/2011 Duration: 29minLearning how to maintain a healthy weight despite an injury that prevents exercise. Rebuilding muscle after an injury and staying strong.
Injured but still healthy!
22/05/2011 Duration: 28minDealing with an injury that prevents exercise but still living healthy and maintaining my weight. What the injury has taught me about living a healthy lifestyle!