Would you like to become invincible in living your life purpose with joy and profitability?Are you is ready to rock the collective consciousness from fear, scarcity, & stagnation to love, abundance, and fulfillment for all? If so, then you are likely a Spiritual RockStar in the making! The best way to become a Spiritual RockStar is to study those that are in the process of becoming or are already established Spiritual RockStars. We bring you interviews with a wide variety of Spiritual Rockstars that will provide you with the mentoring and practical advice to inspire and instruct your next steps in becoming a Spiritual RockStar! For more information on becoming a Spiritual RockStar, please visit us at
Messages of Peace From Across The Universe
27/09/2016 Duration: 30minNotes from John, Messages from Across the Universe, a book about collections of the late John l and George H ’s thoughts on how to achieve world peace. I have two other book on princess Diana s channeling of solutions for world peace directed to solving the world most troubled spots- the Middle East, with love from Diana, Queen of Hearts, and Princess Diana’s Message of Peace. About Marcia McMahon, M.A. the Angel MessengerI am a Spiritual Teacher having taught many online classes, and on ground angelic Reiki retreats. I am channel for the angels The RA Group, Heavenly Host and Elohim. AA Michael, and I’ve written a book , Ascension Teachings with Archangel Michael . I’ve also written Notes from John, Messages from across the Universe, a collection of his words and thoughts from the afterlife of musical notations, humor whit and actual lyrics with late John Lennon. I am not a musician, but this is channeled music from the late and famous medium Robert Murray of Canada. This music airs weekly on my radio show o
How Our Money Conditioning Influences Our World (And What To Do About It)
30/08/2016 Duration: 30minOur money conditioning profoundly influences the way we see our world. Imagine making your most important business and life decisions looking through someone else’s glasses. Could you clear up your financial challenges through that lens?The money conditioning you receive early in life impacts what you resist and what you create as an adult. Until you shine a spotlight on that conditioning, you are creating your life through someone else’s glasses.When your unconscious conditioning is driving your decisions, growing your business can feel like a free fall, or even worse, a collision course!We translate messages about money into beliefs about our personal worthiness & what is possible & “okay” for us to achieve. You can see what a big deal this is. It's a little scary, right?Ready to take an honest look at your unconscious money beliefs?Download my “Meet Your Money Archetype” Quiz Here. Discover your Sacred Money Contract, your most Empowering Money MindsetAbout MichelleMichelle Atlas helps creative,
Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul
26/07/2016 Duration: 30minIn recent years, the mindfulness revolution has taught millions of people the power ofinsight, intuition, and compassion. Today’s neuroscience and other scientific disciplinesare beginning to explain how these higher functions of the mind work to improve ourlives. But where do we go from here? According to author Colleen Mauro, the founder and former editor-in- chiefof Intuition: A Magazine for the Higher Potential of the Mind, our next step is beyond themind and inward to the soul—with the help of advanced practices that bring about evenhigher forms of intuitive perception. This work is best summed up with the phrase“spiritual telepathy.” In Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdomof Your Soul, Colleen introduces mind-training practices that allow us to access thewisdom and guidance of our own souls—and beyond it to the riches of the universalmind.
Realities of Creation
28/06/2016 Duration: 31minEach chapter contains fresh, new information that is coming forth as answers to our questions of why, how, and questions for now. Our reality is changing as we move closer to ascension and many practices from the past are no longer working. This book provides new information to assist you in your own path of conscious creation.In this book you will find:Jean Adrienne – Creating in the Reality of DNALeslie Amerson – Emotional Mastery ~ Emotional FreedomJulia Griffin - Your Inner Presence, The True SelfLaurie Huston – The Power of the HeartLinda Minnick – Don’t Worry – It’s JUST Your Perception!Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos – How Dreams Can Create a Great Love Life RealityMaureen St. Germain - Creating With Sacred GeometrySuzanne Strisower – Multidimensional Aspect of BeingLynn Waldrop – The Body / Mind ConnectionFounder of Transformational Enterprises Inc. 1994- present. World-renowned metaphysical teacher, author, and Founder of Akashic Records Guides International. Her work takes her worldwide teaching advanced
Channeling With Jesus for Love, Healing, and Ascension
31/05/2016 Duration: 26minThere are AMAZING SHIFTS happening over the next 18 months for our planet that will usher in a new age of conscious awakening and ascension. Today, we are going to be communing with Jesus today through Daniel John Hanneman to help you receive the wisdom, energies, and support you need at this time. Daniel John Hanneman has an extensive background as a professional counselor and certified hypnotherapist with combined business and professional backgrounds in energy scanning, energy clearing, spiritual life coaching, intuitive consulting, channeling, metaphysics, Religious Science, hypnosis, psychology, motivational techniques, and personal/business development systems. He is a trailblazer and master healer in guiding healers from suffering from being Invisible (in the closet and struggling) to becoming Invincible (powerful and prosperous).He is known as “The BlockBuster” for his transformational techniques and messages that shift a person from feeling blocked to realizing their greatest potential. Dan has to