Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer, Christy Thompson answers your questions about Arizona bankruptcy and Phoenix bankruptcy twice a month.Arizona Legal Advocacy specializes in Chandler bankruptcy, credit repair, loan modification, debt settlement, Arizona estate planning and family law.
Chandler Bankruptcy Lawyer - Get Your Financial House In Order
15/02/2011 Duration: 14minChandler Bankruptcy Lawyer, Christy Thompson talks about what you need to do to get your financial house in order. Questions include... How do I know what my collector car is worth? Payday loans - now title loans, are they a good idea? And... What is fraud in bankruptcy? If you have a question you would like to submit or if you would like to speak with Christy about your situation you can contact her through her website at .
Chandler Bankruptcy Lawyer - Questions About Financial Resolution Month
14/02/2011 Duration: 14minChandler Bankruptcy Lawyer, Christy Thompson talks about getting your finances in order with the new year starting. Questions include... Can I keep my tax refund and still file bankruptcy? Do I pay my credit cards or file bankruptcy? Do I have to file with my spouse? And.. Can I keep my credit card in bankruptcy? If you have a question you would like to submit or if you would like to speak with Christy about your situation you can contact her through her website at .
Chandler Bankruptcy Lawyer - Questions About Banktuptcy and Divorce
17/12/2010 Duration: 11minChandler Bankruptcy Lawyer, Christy Thompson talks about bankruptcy and divorce. Questions include... I'm divorcing, should I file after I'm divorced? Can I take debt and then get a divorce? How is divorce debt treated in bankruptcy? I'm in bankruptcy and I have divorce debt, what do I do? If you have a question you would like to submit or if you would like to speak with Christy about your situation you can contact her through her website at .
Chandler Bankruptcy Lawyer Help - The 4 Most Commonly Asked Questions
16/12/2010 Duration: 15minChandler Bankruptcy Lawyer, Christy Thompson covers the 4 most commonly asked questions about bankruptcy. The questions include, Bankruptcy scares me, should I file, should I settle debts before I file, should I keep my home or walk away from my home, and can I keep my tax return? If you have a question you would like to submit or if you would like to speak with Christy about your situation you can contact her through her website at .
Chandler Bankruptcy Lawyer - Advantages of Filing Chapter 13
16/11/2010 Duration: 12minChandler Bankruptcy Lawyer, Christy Thompson talks about The advantages of filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in today's show. Questions include... Filing Chapter 13 and how it can help you. When filing bankruptcy can you keep toys like dirt bikes, haulers, motorcycles, etc? Can you pay your tax debt before other debt during a Chapter 13 bankruptcy? And more. If you have a question you would like to submit or if you would like to speak with Christy about your situation you can contact her through her website at .
Chandler Bankruptcy Lawyer - Bankruptcy and Real Estate
15/11/2010 Duration: 15minChandler Bankruptcy Lawyer, Christy Thompson talks about Bankruptcy and Real Estate in today's show. Questions include, Can bankruptcy stop a foreclosure, How long will a foreclosure be stopped during bankruptcy, which type of bankruptcy is better to file if you want to keep your house, how long will a foreclosure take in bankruptcy, when do you need to leave you home when filing for bankruptcy and more. If you have a question you would like to submit or if you would like to speak with Christy about your situation you can contact her through her website at .
Chandler Bankruptcy Lawyer -- Bankruptcy and Your Home If You Live In Arizona
18/10/2010 Duration: 25minChandler Bankruptcy Lawyer, Christy Thompson talks about how and why many mortgage loan modifications never work, how bankruptcy can help a mortgage loan modification that has gone bad, how a Chapter 13 can save your house, how you can modify a mortgage on your home in bankruptcy, the HAMP Act and bankruptcy, what to do is there is not a loan motification program available for you, and much more. If you have a question you would like to submit or if you would like to speak with Christy about your situation you can contact her through her website at .
Chandler Bankruptcy Lawyer -- Foreclosure and Your House in Arizona
18/10/2010 Duration: 14minChandler Bankruptcy Lawyer, Christy Thompson talks about allowing your home to go into foreclosure, when it and is not a good idea. How to handle the situation. The perception of foreclosure and things you need to think about. And much more. If you have a question you would like to submit or if you would like to speak with Christy about your situation you can contact her through her website at .
Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer Help - Dealing with Collection
16/09/2010 Duration: 21minPhoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer, Christy Thompson talks about the first things she advises her clients to do when they decide they are filing bankruptcy and hire her. That being they should stop paying on their credit cards if they have not already stopped. So this show covers the common question “What happens when I stop paying my credit cards?” If you would like to submit a question or speak to Christy personally you can contact her at . So contact her now and get your questions answered.
Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer Help: The 10 Myths of Bankruptcy
15/09/2010 Duration: 19minChristy Thompson, Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer shares with us some short sweet answers to a 10 myths we hear about all the time from our clients. Myths such as... Myth #1 Is Bankruptcy Dishonest? Myth #2: I will lose all my property in a bankruptcy case. Myth #3: I can’t own anything after bankruptcy. Myth #4: I will never be able to establish credit after a bankruptcy. Myth #5: Bankruptcy gets rid of all debts. Myth #6: I can protect my property by hiding it or giving it away before I file bankruptcy. Myth #7: I will lose my job if I file bankruptcy. Myth #8: I filed a bankruptcy before, so I can’t file again. Misconception #9: Taxes can’t be eliminated in bankruptcy. Misconception #10: I must be broke to file bankruptcy. If you have any questions or would like to speak to Christy you can contact her at