Family Worship Center is part of the larger Family Worship Network, which has a goal of planting life giving churches throughout the state of Kentucky and beyond.FWC is a Bible-based, faith oriented, nondenominational church located in Wilder, KY just outside of Cincinnati, OH. PLEASE VISIT OUR NEW PODCAST LOCATION HERE:
Special Guest Pastor Douglas Lee
23/05/2016 Duration: 45minHear the prophetic and encouraging word that was brought to us by Pastor Douglas Lee from Living Word Church in Roberts, IL. Be encouraged, be inspired, and be's time to build!
Mother's Day
08/05/2016 Duration: 18minAs we celebrate mothers we are privileged to have our own Geri Walker share with us from her heart about the power of God's redemptive plan!
Healing is for You pt 2
04/04/2016 Duration: 48minGuest Minister Cindy Cox continues sharing at a special PM service about receiving your healing from God by having child-like faith. Hear this powerful message and let God speak to you!
Healing is For You pt 1
04/04/2016 Duration: 55minHear Minister Cindy Cox share her powerful story of being given a death sentence, only to turn to God and experience a miracle! Then, learn how the Word of God shows us that what God did for Cindy, He can and WILL do for you! This is part one of a two-part guest series, from our 10:30 am service!
Whose on First
29/11/2015 Duration: 44minLets explore what the Bible actually says about giving and what is produced in our lives as a result of our acting upon His Word!