The Ron Paul Homeschooling Podcast helps parents avoid burnout with self-paced, self-taught video-based learning by subject experts such as Tom Woods, Gary North, Benjamin Richards, Bradley Fish, Daniel Dignan, and John Hamilton. Students avoid the frustration of being left behind or being bored by not getting challenging coursework. Parents and students can save money and time by earning college credit during high school. Listen to interviews of instructors and get your questioned answered. Courses include English, Mathematics, Science, History and more for primary, middle school and high school students. The Ron Paul Homeschooling podcast is hosted by Richard Emmons, who with his wife homeschooled their four daughters from K-12 over 19 years.
How Martin Luther's Rhetoric Changed the World
31/10/2017 Duration: 44minLearn about the rhetoric of Martin Luther as you listen to lesson 3 of the 11th grade English course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. Western Literature II is taught by Dr. Gary North and focuses on Western literature from the Reformation to modern times. It is designed to be complementary to the course on the history of Western civilization, also from the Reformation to modern times. Listen in as Dr. North teaches students about theses 1 to 47 of Dr. Martin Luther's 95 Theses. For show notes on this episode go to To sample the first 5 lessons of this course go to
Understanding the Politics of Plunder in Modern Government with Dr. Gary North
20/10/2017 Duration: 37minDr. Gary North explains the nature of modern government, the cliches of socialism, and the necessity of self-government for a functioning society in this interview about his Government 1A course for the Ron Paul Curriculum. Dr. Gary North is the Ron Paul Curriculum’s Director of Curriculum. Dr. North teaches English, American History, Economics, Government and Business for the Ron Paul Curriculum. To sample the first 5 lessons of this course go to For show notes on this episode go to
Learn Business Success Secrets in High School with Dr. Gary North
13/10/2017 Duration: 42minLearn how the 80/20 principle and direct response marketing can help a student stay ahead of the robots and become successful in business. Dr. Gary North is the Ron Paul Curriculum’s Director of Curriculum. Dr. North teaches English, American History, Economics, Government and Business for the Ron Paul Curriculum. To sample the first 5 lessons of this course go to For show notes on this episode go to
How To Learn Free Market Economics with Dr. Gary North
07/10/2017 Duration: 49minLearn how eBay auctions help high school students understand free market economics in this interview with Dr. Gary North. Dr. Gary North is the Ron Paul Curriculum’s Director of Curriculum. Dr. North teaches English, American History, Economics, Government and Business for the Ron Paul Curriculum. For show notes on this episode go to
Are Homeschoolers the Last Radicals?
30/09/2017 Duration: 16minLearn why homeschoolers are the last radicals in America as we listen an article from National Review Online written in 2012. For show notes on this episode go to
ROI: Return On Investment, Part 2 - 12th Grade Graduation Speech by Gary North
26/06/2017 Duration: 41minListen to Dr. Gary North deliver a graduation speech to the 12th grade graduates of the Ron Paul Curriculum. In this speech, Dr. North encourages the graduates to plan for and live a life which makes a difference. Part 2 of 2. Dr. Gary North is the Ron Paul Curriculum’s Director of Curriculum. Dr. North teaches English, American History, Economics, Government and Business for the Ron Paul Curriculum. For show notes on this episode go to
ROI: Return On Investment, Part 1 - 12th Grade Graduation Speech by Gary North
24/06/2017 Duration: 36minListen to Dr. Gary North deliver a graduation speech to the 12th grade graduates of the Ron Paul Curriculum. In this speech, Dr. North encourages the graduates to plan for and live a life which makes a difference. Part 1 of 2. Dr. Gary North is the Ron Paul Curriculum’s Director of Curriculum. Dr. North teaches English, American History, Economics, Government and Business for the Ron Paul Curriculum. For show notes on this episode go to
Make Your Summer Count: Announcing the Ron Paul Summer School Program
12/06/2017 Duration: 09minAnnouncing the Ron Paul Summer School Program Make the most of your Summer Vacation Students get to learn a new subject or get caught up in a more challenging subject Each course is 180 lessons normally spread out over a school year. Take 2 or 3 lessons per day and complete a course in the Summer Each course includes video lectures which to the teaching. Mom still gets her Summer break. Students don't get bored. Writing assignments help students retain knowledge and develop writing skills Family membership in Ron Paul Curriculum is normally $250 per year. Summer program is $40 for 90 days Each course is $50 per student. No textbooks to buy. PDF downloads. Academic Boot Camp course teaches speed reading, study skills and test taking. Free for all members. Great course to take before entering high school. Get all the details about the Ron Paul Curriculum's Summer School program here: For show notes on this episode go to
Getting and Keeping a Head Start - 8th Grade Graduation Speech by Gary North
04/06/2017 Duration: 36minListen to Dr. Gary North deliver a graduation speech to the 8th grade graduates of the Ron Paul Curriculum. Learn how this self-taught, video-based curriculum can give your students a head start in college and in life. Dr. Gary North is the Ron Paul Curriculum’s Director of Curriculum. Dr. North teaches English, American History, Economics, Government and Business for the Ron Paul Curriculum. For show notes on this episode go to
Raising Boys into Men with Homeschooling: Richard Emmons on the 936 Weeks To Manhood show
31/08/2016 Duration: 31minOn Evan Hanson's podcast we discuss the impact of education on raising boys into men, public schools v. homeschooling and how we began homeschooling our children. 936 weeks is how long parents have to raise their new born baby boy until he turns 18 years-old. I encourage you to listen to Evan Hanson's podcast to learn more about raising your sons. For show notes on this episode go to
6th Grade Science Lesson 1 with Daniel Dignan and the Ron Paul Curriculum
24/08/2016 Duration: 20minListen to lesson 1 of the 6th grade Science homeschooling course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. This course is taught by Daniel Dignan. 6th grade science is "Backyard Science" because it can be done in your own backyard. This course is hands-on and practical. It is designed to spark curiosity and initiative. Students learn practical skills that can be used. For show notes on this episode go to You can listen to Richard Emmons interview with Daniel Dignan about this course. Go to
4th Grade English Lesson 1 with Kaliste Fish of the Ron Paul Curriculum
21/08/2016 Duration: 07minIn this episode you'll listen to lesson 1 of the 4th grade English course from the Ron Paul Curriculum. This course is taught by Kaliste Fish. For show notes on this episode go to You can listen to Richard Emmons' interview with Kaliste Fish about this course. Go to
4th Grade English with Kaliste Fish of the Ron Paul Curriculum
12/08/2016 Duration: 39minLearn about 4th grade English of the Ron Paul Curriculum as Richard Emmons interviews instructor Kaliste Fish. Students learn the rules of grammar, expand their vocabulary, and read great works of fiction in this video-based course. For show notes on this episode go to
12th Grade American History Lesson 1 with Dr. Gary North of the Ron Paul Curriculum
09/07/2016 Duration: 36minIn this episode you'll learn about the 12th grade American History course of the Ron Paul Curriculum taught by Dr. Gary North. This American History course parallels the American Literature course so that students learn the interrelationships between literature and historical events. Students read many primary source documents and write weekly essays summarizing what they are taught. You will hear lesson 1 of this course during this podcast. For show notes on this episode go to
Biology Lesson 1 with Jacob Bear of the Ron Paul Curriculum
03/06/2016 Duration: 25minListen to Biology Lesson 1 with Jacob Bear of the Ron Paul Curriculum. 10th graders learn biology by watching lectures and by reading research articles by scientists doing ground-breaking research in their fields. Students study ecology, cells, genetics, plant physiology, and human physiology. This course prepares students to take the Biology CLEP exam for college credit. For the show notes on this episode go to Learn more about this course by listening to Richard Emmons' interview with instructor Jacob Bear. Go to
9th Grade Physical Science Lesson 1 with John Hamilton of the Ron Paul Curriculum
26/05/2016 Duration: 27minIn this episode of the Ron Paul Homeschooling Podcast, you'll listen to Lesson 1 of the Physical Science course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. This course is taught by Professor John Hamilton of the University of Arkansas. Students learn the foundational principles of physical science by studying physics and chemistry. Students then learn to think through problems by applying these scientific principles to meteorology, geology and astronomy. This course is targeted at 9th graders and helps prepare them to pass the Science CLEP examination. For the show notes on this episode go to You can listen to Richard’s interview with John Hamilton about this course. Go to
8th Grade English Lesson 1 with Bradley Fish of the Ron Paul Curriculum
21/05/2016 Duration: 09minIn this episode you'll learn about the 8th grade English course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. This course is taught by Bradley Fish. This course teaches students to write quickly and write well. For show notes on this episode go to You can listen to Richard’s interview with Bradley Fish about this course. Go to
7th Grade English Lesson 1 with Bradley Fish of the Ron Paul Curriculum
14/05/2016 Duration: 08minIn this episode you'll learn about the 7th grade English course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. This course is taught by Bradley Fish. This course prepares students to take the English CLEP examination at the end of 7th grade. For show notes on this episode go to You can listen to Richard’s interview with Bradley Fish about this course. Go to
6th Grade English Lesson 1 with Bradley Fish of the Ron Paul Curriculum
07/05/2016 Duration: 09minIn this episode you'll learn about the 6th grade English course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. This course is taught by Bradley Fish. By tying literature, grammar, and writing into one course, the Ron Paul Curriculum makes an often difficult middle school course enjoyable for students. For show notes on this episode go to You can listen to Richard’s interview with Bradley Fish about this course. Go to
The Cost, Value and Affordability of the Ron Paul Curriculum with Richard Emmons
22/04/2016 Duration: 15minThe cost, value and affordability of the Ron Paul Curriculum compared to other homeschooling options. You'll learn how the Ron Paul Curriculum can save money on college. PLus you'll learn how the Ron Paul Curriculum can save Mom's sanity and let her be a mom and wife again! For the show notes on this episode go to