Christina Warren & Brett Terpstra have odd sleep schedules. They nerd out over varied interests: gadgets, software, and life in a connected world. Tune in to find out what keeps them up at night.
79: I'd Have to Get Jailed
19/06/2019 Duration: 01h49minWe are back. We are very tired. We have a lot to catch up on. Christina has been traveling the globe and adjusting to that suitcase living, jet-lagging lifestyle. Brett is pondering a move and has been hard at work on nvUltra, the long-awaited successor to nvALT. Welcome back to Overtired, aka “(Medication/Exercise/Tech/TV/Taylor Swift) Update”.
78: Christina Buys a Windows Laptop
11/10/2018Episode 78 is when you talk over someone to tell them how good you are at shutting up and listening. New cars, new laptops, new affronts to humanity and democracy. And Siri shortcuts.
77: With Apologies to Quinn
17/09/2018 Duration: 01h06minBreaking promises, crashing cars. All in a day’s work for these two wacky kids.
76: Alt Alt Brett Con
19/07/2018 Duration: 01h12minCelebrating Brett's birthday, he and Christina get up to an especially high level of quality shenanigans. Picture an old man very upset with technology talking with a charming woman about how the popular kids in high school probably weren't that bad. That'll get you pretty close.
75: Did We Just Psychoanalyze Taylor?
28/03/2018 Duration: 01h29minQuitting vaping, starting meds, sleeping in Las Vegas. All just preparation for an amateur psychological evaluation of Taylor Swift. Because this is and has always been a Taylor Swift podcast.
74: Thrown Under The Bus
23/02/2018 Duration: 01h08minWelcome to the 74th episode of the apparently semi-annual podcast, Overtired. This episode is about a lot of stuff but mostly just swearing. We love you.
73: At Least Old Enough to Drink
16/11/2017 Duration: 01h22minA special episode for Christina's birthday that includes topics such as aging, health, and sexual assault, yet somehow lacks discussion of Taylor Swift's new album.
72: Bach Totally Sold Out
21/09/2017 Duration: 01h08minWe should probably talk about Apple stuff. But then lets talk about really good TV before the Emmys that Brett probably won't watch. Ok. What do you say we wrap up with talking about really old movies?
71: Hey Bear With Us, We'll Get to Taylor
07/09/2017 Duration: 01h54minA special 2-hour extravaganza after a few months of downtime. Let's get nerdy! Microsoft, Seattle, Comic-Con, Movies, TV, and yes, Taylor Swift... eventually.
70: Overhungover
19/05/2017 Duration: 01h09sBrett and Christina are both hung over (for entirely separate reasons), proving once again that it's entirely possible to make mistakes as full-grown adults. That should make you feel better about whatever you screwed up today.
69: In Which Christina Becomes A Belieber
07/04/2017 Duration: 01h10minLet's talk about politics, fashion, tech, health, TV commercials, and maybe music. As one does on Overtired.
68: Horrible Sh\*t We Have to Talk About
17/02/2017 Duration: 01h10minBrett and Christina chat about Alexa, HomeKit, Mac Malware, and sleep headphones before descending into the darkness of national and world affairs.
67: The Dongle Issue
17/11/2016 Duration: 01h23minThanks to touch bars and dongles, Overtired finally becomes the tech show it's always been listed as. Don't worry, we went long to talk about TV shows and Adele concerts. Sponsored by * Boom for iOS: Immerse yourself in your music on your iPhones and iPads. Boom is available in the app store for $2.99. Visit to learn more and get Boom for your iOS device.
66: Love Is Dead
08/10/2016 Duration: 01h07minR.I.P. "Love". You had a good run. Sponsored by * Boom 2 from Global Delight: Boom 2 intelligently boosts your audio system wide for an immersive audio experience in any app. Use the coupon code CHRISTINA to save 25% at!
65: Double Zero Is Huge
08/09/2016 Duration: 01h11minChristina and Brett are back for an episode recorded before Apple put civilization on the brink by removing a headphone jack and before the fall of #HiddleSwift. What we're saying's a break from everything else this week.
64: Getting Away With It
15/08/2016 Duration: 01h13minChristina's new job, the end of Brett's psychiatry nightmare, habitual punctuality (and not) as a mental illness, TV galore, and headphones that fit ear asymmetry.
63: Marketed to Furries
22/07/2016 Duration: 48minAn episode cut short by the RNC. There was still time to complain about the RNC, though. Also, kids movies aren't for kids, Arkansas isn't so bad, and the best hit men are dancing hit men.
62: HiddleSwiftGate
07/07/2016 Duration: 01h29minFrom Taylor Swift's love life to Apple's new filesystem, this is an episode that wavers between uncomfortable conversation and overly technical discussion. You know…like pretty much any episode of Overtired.
61: Commercial Politics
04/06/2016 Duration: 01h02minBrett and Christina dive into their shared love of TV and the commercials that come with it, before going off on a political debate that may be interesting. Or not. You decide, it's an election year.
60: Diamonds and Guns
18/05/2016 Duration: 01h27minFrom Racist McShootFace to the Hulu Apple TV update, Brett and Christina celebrate the Diamond Anniversary of Overtired in true (ADHD) form.