Learn how to build a successful blog by approaching your business blog from different perspectives - from a psychological, sociological and an economical stand point.
Episode 03: Conversational Commenting
16/08/2012 Duration: 587h00sThis is Episode 03 of Blog Networking 101 Podcasts. Episode 3 in on Conversational Commenting
Over Delivering Content: Good or Bad?
21/03/2012 Duration: 849h00sDo you over deliver to your audience? This podcast takes a look at why you should or shouldn't over deliver (advantages and disadvantages) and suggest a solution that can help you with your business.
Subscription Enticements?: What's Yours?
20/03/2012 Duration: 762h00sThis podcast is about the importance of enticements, perceived value and the use of different types of enticements for the maximum results - with conversion rate.