The American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management, known as the friendliest group in podiatry, exists to advance the study of podiatric practice management and promote success through sharing knowledge.
Routine Foot Care - Reimbursement Is Better Than You Think
10/06/2011Dr. Jeff Frederick will show you how to effectively navigate the rules and regulations to provide this necessary service to your patients, get paid and ensure everyone goes home happy. This session will review the required documentation needed to perform this service and how to streamline providing this service in your office so it becomes "routine".Dr. Frederick is the President of the American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management and Past-President of the Michigan Podiatric Medical Associate. He is in private practice in Berkley, MI.
Where Do You Want To Be One Year From Now?
10/06/2011Join us for the last webinar of 2010 (or as Rem says the first webinar of 2011 and beyond). Most people are unsatisfied with their lives on many levels and it is often because they have no goals or the wrong goals. In this session, Rem will work through his goal setting process and discuss what the greatest pitfalls are that we all face. If it’s time to get serious and get some things done, then it’s time to be on this webinar.
Jump Start Your 2011 New Years Resolution and Get Organized Now!
10/06/2011You know you need to do it...time to eliminate those piles and start the New Year organized. This webinar with Wendy Ellin will give you the tools to do just that.Since 2000, Wendy Ellin has been President and owner of The 25th Hour, Inc., a personal concierge service. As her business of assisting busy people with their everyday lives grew, she recognized her passion for helping people to simplify their life’s journey and to "get more life out of life". In August 2005, she created Momentum, which offers productivity training and consulting for corporations and individuals.
Kiosks, Web Portals, and Meaningful Use
10/06/2011EHR Meaningful Use Dr. Michael Brody joins us for a very informative webinar. He explains how Kiosks and Web Portals will enable practices implementing Electronic Health Records to meet several of the requirements to show meaningful use and allow practitioners to realize the government incentives. Several other areas of meaningful use were also covered in the question and answer session
Scheduling For Success
10/06/2011Dr. Marybeth Crane presents this webinar on pitfalls we encounter when we attempt to schedule our days at the office. Learn different methods of scheduling to help you choose the right one for you and your office.
Strategies for Marketing in Mass Media
29/10/2010Do you feel like radio, television and print reps are speaking to you in a foreign language about listeners and viewership? Then log onto this webinar and learn more about radio, tv, and print advertising and how to be able to speak to them and not get “bamboozled” by their jargon.Sally Stump is the Marketing Director at Central Kansas Podiatry Associates and has been with Dr. Benjamin and Brooke Weaver for 4 years. Her position with Central Kansas Podiatry allows herto meet many exciting and prestigious members of the community and allows me to go out and promote the exciting aspects of good foot health. Prior to Central Kansas Podiatry Associates, Sally spent 10 years in the advertising arena working in television, radio, and print. This experience has allowed her to leverage her knowledge of the field to effectively market Central Kansas Podiatry Associates to the public using these media.
Online Marketing Strategies
17/09/2010It's time to get rid of your Yellow Pages advertising once and for all! Online marketing, when properly done, will give you your best rate of return and you'll see a steady stream of new patients coming through your office door. Dr. Andrew Schneider will boil down how to attack the online realm and make it productive for you and your practice.
High Influence Patient Communication Skills
20/08/2010Dr. John Guiliana expertly discusses the verbal and non-verbal cues that doctors give to their patients and how to make small changes to enhance your patients' understanding and investment in your care.
TENS Unit Coding and Billing
23/07/2010Dr. Jon Segal discusses the use of TENS units and how to properly dispense them from a podiatric office. He discusses proper coding of the devices in depth.
Internal and External Marketing
26/06/2010Marketing wizards Rem Jackson and Chad Schwarz share their strategies for effectively marketing podiatry practices.
EHR and Meaningful Use
18/06/2010Dr. Michael Brody discusses the government's definition of meaningful use with respect to electronic health records (EHR). He walks us through what's needed to qualify for the $44,000 in incentives available to physicians. The full webinar is available on the AAPPM member site.
Why We All Need Our Cookbooks: AKA Clinical Protocols
21/05/2010Dr. Ben Weaver discusses how clinical protocols improve private practice efficiency. If you have never considered implementing protocols, or are unsure of where to begin, this is a great place to start. If you are an AAPPM member, you can view the entire webinar at Dr. Weaver also conducts a protocols workshop at many AAPPM conferences. During the workshop, you will create your own office protocols and create a manual which will be provided to you.
In-Office Dispensing
18/04/2010This brings one of the AAPPM's most popular topics to your home. Listen to Dr. Bill McCann and Dr. Hal Ornstein as they walk you through the top products that you should make available to your patients in your office.