Mark Meredith discusses the latest gamer news with a new guest each episode and then dispenses gamer wisdom. Visit for more Tome Show Productions and for more from the Dice Monkey.
Charon’s Claw w RA Salvatore Special (Tome/Dice Monkey Radio)
07/08/2012 Duration: 01h20minIn this special episode Mark Meredith of Dice Monkey Radio and Jeff Greiner of The Tome Show produced an accidental team-up. They both, individually and independently, conducted an interview with R.A. Salvatore, author of Charon’s Claw and the rest of the Drizzt series of novels and more. Rather than give you two Tome Show Production episodes in a row interviewing the same person, we spliced them together into one special combo episode. Mark talks to Mr. Salvatore about the process of writing Drizzt novels, where he came from, how he got to the adventures of Charon’s Claw, and more. Jeff talked about some of the deeper issues of the story, the unreliability and flawed nature of the characters, integrating the stories into the Forgotten Realms, and more. Sponsor: Continue Magazine Tome’s Amazon Store:
Dice Monkey Radio Episode 5
06/05/2012 Duration: 43minIt’s finally here! A long time coming, but Dice Monkey Radio Episode 5 finally got itself edited! On this episode, we talk to my dad, Scotte Meredith, about what D&D was like back in the old timey days before DDI and numbered editions. Hope you enjoy!
Dice Monkey Radio Episode 4
14/02/2012 Duration: 57minWelcome back! In Episode 4, our special guest is Cam Banks, the lead designer of the Marvel Heroic RPG! We talk to him about D&DNext, Non-Disclosure Agreements, The Marvel Heroic RPG, and answer a call about prophecies. News: D&DNext Marvel Heroic RPG
Dice Monkey Radio Episode 3
29/01/2012 Duration: 01h21minWell, it’s been a couple months in the making but Episode 3 is finally here! This was recorded back in November, but Christmas and college got in the way. Now, here it is! Episode 3, with special guest host Tracy from This is My Game and Sand and Steam. Andrew, who left us a Voice Mail, we haven’t forgotten about you. Your VM will appear next episode. We merely recorded this before you called in. News: Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue Pathfinder Beginner Box
Dice Monkey Radio Bonus Episode 1: DnD Next Speculation
11/01/2012 Duration: 01h04minThis episode is a bit different than the last two: A bonus episode with no news, no editing, and 6 hosts! The Hosts: Tim from Dice, Food, Lodging, Jenn of Jennisodes, Michael of Online Dungeon Master, Michael of The Id DM, Gary of GMSarli Games, and of course, myself. Here’s a few links to follow along: The Forbes article The New York Time [...]
Dice Monkey Radio Episode 2
14/11/2011 Duration: 01h36sShow Notes: Into the Unknown: The Dungeon Survival Handbook Heroes of the Feywild The Book of Vile Darkness Online DM’s Website
Dice Monkey Dicecast Ep. 1
09/10/2011 Duration: 54minIntroducing the DiceMonkey Dicecast, a Tome Show Production wherein once a month Mark Meredith will bring you gaming goodness with a rotating selection of guests. The guest for this introduction episode (which is coming out a bit later than expected while Mark learns the editing ropes) is Jeff Greiner…from the Tome Show. ;-) Sponsor: Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Emporium Madness at Gardmore Abbey Shadowfell: Gloomwroug [...]