Original thoughts on the Nashville Predators and NHL Hockey from Jackson and Buddy Oakes. POTG Radio is currently on hiatus since BTR did not grandfather current shows into their new strategy. Under their new format, we were unable to maintain our Monday night time slot. We will return at some point once the matter is resolved.
PredsOnTheGlass Radio with Travis Hair
21/12/2010 Duration: 01h09minThe PredsOnTheGlass duo of Buddy and Jackson Oakes and friends discuss everything Nashville Predators and other topics from the NHL and hockey world. This week we will have long time guest Travis Hair of Five for Howling to bring the Phoenix Coyote saga to a close.
PredsOnTheGlass Radio with Steve Stirling and Aaron Wood
30/11/2010 Duration: 01h24minThe PredsOnTheGlass duo of Buddy and Jackson Oakes and friends discuss everything Nashville Predators and other topics from the NHL and hockey world.This week, we will have Steve Stirling from Intent to Blow and Aaron Wood from AZ Vibe.
PredsOnTheGlass Radio with Rick Stephens and Patty Jasper
16/11/2010 Duration: 01h26minThe PredsOnTheGlass duo of Buddy and Jackson Oakes and friends discuss everything Nashville Predators and other topics from the NHL and hockey world. This week we will have Rick Stephens from All Habs and Patty Jasper from Let's Go Canes to take a look at the week ahead.
PredsOnTheGlass Radio with Mark Willoughby and Chris Block
09/11/2010 Duration: 01h47minThe PredsOnTheGlass duo of Buddy and Jackson Oakes and friends discuss everything Nashville Predators and other topics from the NHL and hockey world. This week we will have Mark Willoughby from The View From 111 and Chris Block of The Third Man In.
PredsOnTheGlass Radio with Travis Hair and Matt Reitz
02/11/2010 Duration: 01h33minThe PredsOnTheGlass duo of Buddy and Jackson Oakes and friends discuss everything Nashville Predators and other topics from the NHL and hockey world. This week's show will feature Travis Hair and Matt Reitz as we look ahead to the Preds' games with Phoenix and the L A Kings.
PredsOnTheGlass Radio with Ryan Porth and Amanda DiPaolo
12/10/2010 Duration: 01h27minThe PredsOnTheGlass duo of Buddy and Jackson Oakes and friends discuss everything Nashville Predators and other topics from the NHL and hockey world. This week we will return with Ryan Porth of RLD Hockey and Amanda DiPaolo from Predlines to take an early look at the Predators season.
PredsOnTheGlass Radio with Rob Higgins.
21/09/2010 Duration: 01h28minThe PredsOnTheGlass duo of Buddy and Jackson Oakes and friends discuss everything Nashville Predators and other topics from the NHL and hockey world. This week we will have Fantasy Expert Rob Higgins who recently released the new book Hockey Fantasy Index.
PredsOnTheGlass Radio with Josh Cooper
07/09/2010 Duration: 01h03minThe PredsOnTheGlass duo of Buddy and Jackson Oakes and friends discuss everything Nashville Predators and other topics from the NHL and hockey world. This week, we will have the new Tennessean Pred's beat writer Josh Cooper for a special holiday edition of POTG Radio to discuss his background, new position, and a wide range of topics.
PredsOnTheGlass Radio with Mick Kern
31/08/2010 Duration: 01h50minThe PredsOnTheGlass duo of Buddy and Jackson Oakes and friends discuss everything Nashville Predators and other topics from the NHL and hockey world. This week we will have Mick Kern of NHL Home Ice XM 204 who hosts The War Room and my favorite podcast The One Percentile.
PredsOnTheGlass Radio with Joe Yerdon
24/08/2010 Duration: 01h59minThe PredsOnTheGlass duo of Buddy and Jackson Oakes and friends discuss everything Nashville Predators and other topics from the NHL and hockey world. This week we will feature Joe Yerdon of of NBC's ProHockeyTalk endeavor as we head down to the finish line of the dog days of summer.