The Man Cave Technology Show is dedicated to technology and those who love technology. We discuss everything from the latest Apple products to Microsoft products. We also talk about virtual reality, the HTC Vive and more. We love photography and filmmaking so topics centering around cameras including Canon, Sony, and Nikon will happen. We also enjoy gaming and will talk about the new Nintendo Switch, XBOX One, Play Station, etc. If you are looking for a technology podcast you are going to love this show!
Super Bowl Compression & Apple FaceTime Hack - Man Cave Technology Podcast
11/02/2019 Duration: 21minWelcome to the Man Cave Technology Podcast. The podcast is back! In this episode we talk about the massive over compression of the Superbowl Stream this year. We will also dive into the Apple FaceTime hack and the fact that a kid found the issue and reported it to Apple but they did nothing. Randell is also our special guest and we discuss video production and technology with him.
WWDC Rumors
04/06/2017 Duration: 11minIn this episode, it's all about Apple rumors. Apple's new Siri device, the new iPhone 8, and some of the iPad changes. Joshua and the crew also share what they'd like to see from Apple. Check it out on this episode of the Man Cave Technology Show.
Intel Announces the i9 Processor
02/06/2017 Duration: 08minIntel's new i9 processor has been announced! What can you expect? Is it going to be in every computer anytime soon? Find out, as Joshua and the crew talk about the new processor from Intel.
PayPal sues Pandora over Logo
31/05/2017 Duration: 14minPaypal takes down Pandora over logo. Also some new screen shots of Red Dead Redemption 2 have been released. The game is set to release in the first half of 2018. Joshua and the crew give their thoughts, and Ryan shares some rapid fire news, on this edition of Man Cave Technology.
FAA Drone Registry Rejected! DJI Spark and more!
26/05/2017 Duration: 15minOn this edition of the Man Cave Technology Show, Joshua and the crew talk about the FAA drone registry getting shut down. They also share their thoughts on the new DJI Spark. Is it worth buying? If so, who is it aimed at? All this and more on this weeks show!
Amazon Echo Show Fail, New Apple Store Changes, and iPhone 8 Delays
11/05/2017 Duration: 19minAmazon releases two new fail products, the Echo Show and the Echo Look. Apple decides to turn their stores green, and the iPhone 8 runs into some problems. Joshua and the crew share their thoughts on why the new amazon products are a fail, and they discuss their thoughts on the Apple Store changes!
Google Docs FAIL and Windows 10 s AKA Lock Students Down Edition
04/05/2017 Duration: 25minOn this edition of Man Cave Technology Joshua and the crew discuss the recent Google Docs Virus that is spreading when people open a fake Google Doc attachment. We also discuss the Windows 10 s edition and take a look at Windows for education and the way Microsoft is locking down computers to prevent kids from messing them up. Is it helpful or hurtful? Let us know what you think!
TECH FAILS - $400 OVER priced JUICERO Fail / Plastic Card Fails and DJI Googles
30/04/2017 Duration: 23minJuicero $400 Juicer FAIL - If you guys (from JUICERO) are watching this SEND me one to prove it's epic and I'll tell it how it is but so far from what I've seen online this is what I think. We also talk about some products by DJI. If you fly a drone the new DJI Googles are coming out and could be cool or not? We also talk about the DJI Ronin 2.
NEW Sony A9 Camera!! New Google Earth!!
21/04/2017 Duration: 25minJoshua and the group talk about the upcoming Sony A9 Camera - This new camera from Sony will compete with Nikon and Canon by being a fast sports action camera. The group also talks about the new Google Earth as well as the new ways Facebook is copying Snapchat!
007: Rumors, Rumors, Rumors - iPhone - Drones - Project Scorpio
17/04/2017 Duration: 20minIn this episode of Man Cave Technology we discuss the upcoming iPhone 8- What features will it have? Will we have to wait for wireless charging? Microsofts new project, Project Scorpio, merging both pc and console. We also talk about the new DJI rumors and leaks.
006: Privacy is DEAD : USA FCC Broadband Privacy Rule
14/04/2017 Duration: 13minYour privacy is DEAD. Congress sold you out on the FCC Broadband Privacy Rule. You better start using a VPN if you want to keep from having your internet data sold to your isp! Thanks for watching! Please subscribe for more! Check out my website: Facebook Live Streams -
005 Everything NINTENDO SWITCH! the GOOD the BAD the UGLY
10/03/2017 Duration: 34minIs the Nintendo Switch for you? We talk about everything related to the Nintendo Switch in episode 5 of the Man Cave Technology Show. We address the following issues: - Does the Nintendo Switch Screen Scratch? - Is the Nintendo Switch Good? - Should I buy a Nintendo Switch? - Is the Nintendo Switch Worth it? - Launch games for Nintendo Switch.
004: YouTube TV, Wireless Power by Disney, AWS and CloudFlare Outage and Security Fail
03/03/2017 Duration: 27minIn this episode we discuss the new YouTube TV - Will this new YouTube TV Service take over where Comcast and others have failed? How many channels will it have? Is it worth the money? We also discuss wireless power from a surprising source - Disney. How does the wireless power work and what does it mean for the future? We also talk about the massive AWS outage and the CloudFlare security fail.
003: Unlimited Data Plans, Browser Encryption, Verizon 5g Test - Man Cave Technology Show 003
25/02/2017 Duration: 28minJoshua and the group discuss the new US carrier phone unlimited data plans. Are there restrictions? Is it a good idea to switch? We also talk about a recent report by the EFF claiming half of web traffic is now encrypted. Is encryption of web data important?
002: iPhone 8 Rumors & Wait or Buy X Box One S
18/02/2017 Duration: 28minIn this episode Joshua and the crew talk about iPhone 8 rumors. We discuss the possibility of augmented reality and what we would love to see in a new phone. We also discuss if this is a good time to buy a current generation console or wait for the next gen. Enjoy the show!
001: 2016 Macbook Pro with Touchbar Problems & Nintendo Switch
11/02/2017 Duration: 35minIn this inaugural episode of the Man Cave Technology Show - Joshua and the crew talk about problems with the 2016 Macbook Pro Touchbar. Ryan Joshua and Donovan own the 2016 macbook pro and have had some issues with the laptop freezing and crashing. We also discuss the Samsung Battery Factory Fire ( not the phones but the factory actually caught on fire!) We also discuss the launch of the Nintendo Switch. Is the Nintendo Switch for adults or only kids? Will the Nintendo switch be successful? We also wonder what would happen if Microsoft made something like the Nintendo Switch. We answer a question about the best used macbook pro laptop and Dalton talks about the Grush Toothbrush. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe for more! Check out my website: Facebook Live Streams - YouTube -