Podcasts and Audio Newsletters from PanRight Productions on news, music, audio, voiceovers and online education
Interview with Clay Christensen on Disruptive Innovation
31/08/2009 Duration: 04minMcGraw-Hill Business Division Publisher Herb Schaffner interviews world-renowned innovation thought-leader Clay Christensen on the topic of education and innovation.
Emergency Prep Tips for Everyone
31/08/2009 Duration: 02minCalifornia is prone to natural disasters -- land and rock slides, earthquakes, floods and fires. This year has again presented devastating fires in California, and the top priority fire in the country. in my own community of SoCal. And, on July 29th 2008 there was a magnitude 5.4 earthquake in Los Angeles. Tornadoes and devastating floods in the midwest....hurricane Dolly in South Texas...loss of home due to one is exempt from natural or unforeseen disasters. Please listen to the following emergency preparation tips, take notes, and pass this along to your friends.
Digital Music News - Snapshot
31/08/2009 Duration: 01minDigital music technology news briefs from
Interview with Stuart McClure - Hacking Exposed: Sixth Edition
31/08/2009 Duration: 04minMcGraw-Hill Executive Editor Jane Brownlow interviews Stuart McClure, lead author of "Hacking Exposed: Sixth Edition".
Interview with Jim Groff - SQL: The Complete Reference - 3rd Edition
31/07/2009 Duration: 05minMcGraw-Hill Executive Editor Jane Brownlow interviews Author Jim Groff about his soon-to-be published book, "SQL: The Complete Reference; 3rd Edition".
Interview with Suzanne Bates - Motivate Like a CEO
31/07/2009 Duration: 05minMcGraw-Hill Publisher Herb Schaffner interviews Author Suzanne Bates about her soon-to-be published book, "Motivate Like a CEO".
Web Marketing Therapy with Lorrie Thomas
05/07/2009 Duration: 02minLorrie Thomas, CEO of Web Marketing Therapy, discusses best practices for making your marketing healthy so you can get wealthy. Produced and directed by PanRight Productions.
Interview with David Kusnet - Building New York: 100 Years of Infrastructure
05/07/2009 Duration: 05minMcGraw-Hill Senior Technical Editor Editor Joy Bramble interviews Author David Kusnet about his soon-to-be published book, "To Build New York: One Hundred Years of Infrastructure." Celebrates the founding of the General Contractors Association and all the workers who made New York City the modern metropolis that it is today.
Interview with Paul Facella: The Five Results-Driven Leadership Principles for Success
10/06/2009 Duration: 04minInterview with Paul Facella, author of "Everything I KnowAbout Business I Learned at McDonald's: The Five Results-Driven Leadership Principles for Success". Hosted by Herb Schaffner, Business Publisher at McGraw-Hill Professional Division. Produced and directed by PanRight Productions. Five minutes in length.
Interview with Kevin Carroll: The Red Rubber Ball at Work
10/06/2009 Duration: 04minInterview with author Kevin Carroll, author of "The Red Rubber Ball at Work: Elevate Your Game Through the Hidden Power of Play". Hosted by Herb Schaffner, Publisher at McGraw-Hill Professional Division. Produced and directed by PanRight Productions. Five minutes in length.