Thought-provoking, intelligent, inspiring, and entertaining -- that's the David Scotland podcast. Learn how to mind your own business successfully so you can create the life you want.HERE'S WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU:> How to STOP getting sucked into the false narratives, broken promises, ra-ra motivational crap of the establishment bullshit being marketed and sold in the corrupt motivational speaking industry, the internet marketing industry, the self-help industry, the training industry, etc., and START getting on a reality-based path that requires the execution of real-world plans, not empty stupid bullshit THEORY that can't be implemented. > Get ANSWERS, SOLUTIONS, TOOLS, TIPS, ACTION STEPS and MORE based on field-tested, REAL WORLD knowledge, experience, and PRODUCTIVE & PROFITABLE results> DUMP what's not working, EMBRACE what works better> Take advantage of EFFECTIVE sales-generating, business-building STRATEGIES you can bank on but only if you START USING THEM and CONTINUE to use them effectively> Learn how to stop using PERSONAL EMOTIONAL CHAOS as the default "system" for running your business and start using IMPERSONAL RATIONAL ORDER, and watch profits rise!> Learn how to improve and increase BRAND RECOGNITION, ENGAGEMENT, LOYALTY, SUSTAINABILITY, SCALABILITY> BLAST THROUGH your blindspots, resistance, apathy, obstacles, other problems, and dead-ends so you can ADVANCE with POSITIVE FORWARD-MOVING ENERGY> IDENTIFY which systems result in SABOTAGE or SUCCESS> ... and, as always, MUCH MUCH MORE -- because there's ALWAYS more to learn, more to be, more to do, and more to explore, achieve, and enjoy!Please visit for more...
Fearmongering In Media and Online Videos is NOT about Telling You the Truth
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Strategies of Mindset Warriors Who WIN!
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Don't Be Fooled By The Stupid People Spreading B.S.
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4 Quick Questions That Can Change Your Life For The Better
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