Stories about the environment focused on the Pacific Northwest, with many from KNKX's Environment reporter, Bellamy Pailthorp.
J-pod orcas missing from inland waters of Salish Sea for more than 100 days
21/07/2021 Duration: 01minIt’s peak season for whale watching in the Salish Sea. But the iconic southern resident killer whales that for decades spent their summers here have been scarce, likely because of a lack of salmon.
Official death toll from heat wave at 78 in Washington – and it's expected to rise
08/07/2021 Duration: 53s11:45 a.m.: Updated with new information from the state Department of Health. The Washington state Department of Health has a preliminary tally of heat-related deaths in the past week. At least 78 people died statewide because of the scorching temperatures that began June 26.
Study: How smoke affects birds in Washington ... and our ability to see them
07/07/2021 Duration: 02minWe know that people suffer when smoke from wildfires fills the air. It’s a nuisance and a health hazard. But how does it affect wildlife? Researchers at the University of Washington are tackling that question.
How Washington state may (finally) be leading on climate action
02/07/2021 Duration: 07minState lawmakers passed significant legislation this session that takes concrete steps to address climate pollution and the concerns of communities that it has harmed the most in Washington. KNKX environment reporter Bellamy Pailthorp sat down with Morning Edition host Kirsten Kendrick to talk about the changes that will be taking place in our state.
Extreme heat came at worst possible time for Washington raspberry growers
29/06/2021 Duration: 01minCool offshore flow and mild summer heat normally make western Washington an ideal place to grow red raspberries. The state commission for that crop reports growers here provide about 70 percent of the nation’s premium flash-frozen raspberries. But the record heat has left immature berries sunburnt, while causing ripe ones to melt and shrivel on the vine.
Federal court: Puyallup River dam needs permits under Endangered Species Act before it can restart
22/06/2021 Duration: 01minIn another blow to the operators of the Electron Dam on the Puyallup River, a judge in federal District Court has barred its parent company from diverting any water to generate power until it gets permits under the Endangered Species Act.
Researchers identify shellfish-killing phytoplankton behind massive summer die-offs in Puget Sound
17/06/2021 Duration: 07minIn July of 2018 and 2019, large numbers of oysters, cockles and clams died on beaches all around Puget Sound. No one knew why. It was a particularly bad couple of years, but summer mortality events with mass die-offs of shellfish happen regularly. They’ve been recorded by researchers in western Washington as far back as the 1930s. The source has remained a mystery.
Native leader calls him a 'snake,' but Inslee defends veto of tribal consent in cap-and-trade law
04/06/2021 Duration: 02minAnger lingers among tribal leaders in Washington after a surprise veto from Gov. Jay Inslee last month. As he signed the cap and trade Climate Commitment Act, the governor struck down new powers for tribes.
Invasive green crabs continue to spread in Washington, especially in coastal estuaries
14/05/2021 Duration: 01minEuropean green crabs were found in Washington’s inland waters in 2016, prompting extensive monitoring. Now state officials say this destructive invasive species is spreading in several coastal locations. They thrive in shallow water and soft sediment, which Washington’s estuaries provide. And over the past two years it seems the populations of green crab are exploding, especially on the coast.
Special group of gray whales returns each year for shrimp ‘buffet' around Whidbey Island
11/05/2021 Duration: 08minEvery spring, gray whales migrate up the West Coast on a 12,000-mile round-trip from their calving grounds in Mexico to the Alaskan Arctic, where they feed on tiny crustaceans. Since early 2019, an unusual mortality event has reduced their population by more than 20 percent. Whales wash up severely emaciated or sometimes suffer from ship strikes or entanglements made worse by lack of food. But researchers in Washington have identified a small group of gray whales that returns to Puget Sound every year in what seems to be a survival strategy.
Earth Day celebration calls on Port of Seattle for a pollution-free Salish Sea
23/04/2021 Duration: 01minA celebration of Earth Day in honor of the Salish Sea took aim at the Port of Seattle Thursday. Representatives of several groups, including and the Center for Biological Diversity, called attention to the port’s impact on marine life.
SR3 SeaLife Rescue Center brings critical care closer for Pacific Northwest marine animals
22/04/2021 Duration: 02minEven as human impacts cause increasing numbers of animal strandings along beaches in Washington and Oregon, there has been a gap in critical care for them. Till now, there was no marine wildlife hospital in either state dedicated to rehabilitating hurt or sick animals.
Washington sets ambitious goal: All new cars sold will be electric by 2030
16/04/2021 Duration: 01minIn less than a decade, all cars and light-duty vehicles sold in Washington will be powered by electricity, not fossil fuels. That’s the goal set within legislation that has passed the state House and Senate. The 2030 timeline is now part of a bill that aims to prepare the state for a zero-emissions transportation future. It’s on its way to Gov. Jay Inslee for signing.
Law to reduce plastic waste, ban Styrofoam statewide passes House floor vote
09/04/2021 Duration: 01minIt looks increasingly likely that Washington will ban Styrofoam, reduce plastic waste and strengthen recycling markets. A bill to that effect is nearly through the Legislature.
Leafline Trails Coalition working to expand, connect regional network of accessible trails
08/04/2021 Duration: 04minThroughout the central Puget Sound region, wide trails offer the promise of safe and accessible transportation corridors for people who bike or walk. Many are converted railroad right-of-ways, and some connect to high-speed transit. But many stand alone, limiting their utility.
State urges spring boaters to take safety courses (and wear a life vest)
06/04/2021 Duration: 01minSpring has sprung, many people are now vaccinated and there’s renewed excitement to get outdoors. The pandemic has again led to a surge in outdoor recreation as people look for safe things to do in the open air.
A law to reduce plastic waste, ban Styrofoam statewide is advancing in Legislature
30/03/2021 Duration: 01minA law that would respond to the plastic waste crisis in the U.S. is advancing in the state Legislature. It passed the state Senate earlier this month; a hearing in the House appropriations committee is expected this week.
NW scientist taps into personalities, diets to help sunflower sea stars shine again
23/03/2021 Duration: 07minIn December, sunflower sea stars were declared critically endangered by an international union of scientists. This species is the largest and hardest hit among the iconic and colorful starfish that have been devastated by a wasting syndrome.
Washington ‘HEAL’ Act would steer key state agencies toward environmental justice
22/03/2021 Duration: 01minEnvironmental justice became part of federal law in 1990. Washington might soon catch up. A proposed state law would infuse the concept into the work of seven key agencies.
Decoding earthquake history: How geologists find fossilized clues in sediment
27/02/2021 Duration: 07minTwenty years ago this Sunday, the Nisqually earthquake rattled the region. It registered 6.8 on the Richter scale and shook for 40 seconds. The damage was significant. Bricks flew. It caused cracks in the Capitol dome in Olympia and sealed the fate of Seattle’s Alaskan Way Viaduct as well as many older buildings in Pioneer Square. But it was nowhere near as drastic as some of the other possible geological scenarios that could lead to truly devastating shaking.