Podcast where healthcare workers can be themselves - talking about gross stories, medicine, medical science, patient experiences, etc. Dedicated to all healthcare workers and those that want to tune in.
NSR #16 Bloody Angie - Boat Life & Being A Surgical Assistant in France, Fatty Eggplants, Jerry Springer Translator, Burlesque & Much More
01/08/2017 Duration: 36minBloody Angie discusses her lifestyle of living on a boat, being a surgical assistant, and performing burlesque in France.
NSR #15 - Nurse Blake's Story, Banned4Life Campaign for Gay Men Blood Donations, Pulse Night Club, Gay Conversion Therapy, His Blog, and Much More
20/07/2017 Duration: 29minNurse Blake shares his story - in 2013, he created the campaign called Banned4Life to help change the lifetime ban on gay men from donating blood. He describes how important this was after having friends affected by the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Nurse Blake was the creator of the Scrubs Romper - it had an unexpected, viral reaction on social media and other media outlets. He goes over his blog and the experience of going through gay conversion therapy - a program from a Christian institution to help gay people convert back to heterosexuality (of course, it didnt work). Much more was covered in this episode. Derek J is your host for NSR - National Scrubs Radio.
NSR #14 - "Commercial Air Medical Transport" - Art Zimmet Details the Industry, International Travel & His Company Paradigm Care
13/07/2017 Duration: 27minArt Zimmet, founder of Paradigm Care, shares about the Commercial Escort Industry which is different than an "Air Ambulance". He goes over the requirements needed for nurses to be in the industry, the platinum rule, travel insurance, international travel, and much more! Derek J is your host for this episode of NSR
NSR #13 "Soft Restraints for Hard Masturbation" - Danielle From Nurse Abnormalities Shares Gross Medical Stories, Her Blog, and DNP Info
29/06/2017 Duration: 33min"Soft Restraints for Hard Masturbation"? Yes, you'll have to listen to the podcast to find out what it means - Danielle, the creator/writer/founder of Nurse Abnormalities, steps by to discuss funny/gross patient stories. Danielle goes over the genesis of her blog and her DNP experience. Listen to the podcast and follow Danielle @nurseabnormalities and
NSR #12 Gina's Story - Being a Nurse in Saudi Arabia/Abu Dhabi, Trauma Nursing, Unbreakable Bond With Staff, Much More!
22/06/2017 Duration: 31minGina discusses how nursing in the an ER/Trauma Bay found her and not the other way around. After working in the US for several years, she made the leap to do nursing in the Middle East - you'll hear her struggles and positive memories while working there. She goes over her experience being a first responder in the Middle East and the unbreakable bond you have working with staff when working in the trauma field. Derek J is your host for this episode.
NSR #11 - Lindsay "Clinical" Nurse Educator, Family Diagnosis of PBC, Poop Stories, Ethics in Transplants and much more!
08/06/2017 Duration: 34minLindsay is a "Clinical" Nurse Educator that shares her story of being an educator, going through her mom's diagnosis of primary biliary cirrhosis, experience as a transplant nurse, poop stories, and much more! Derek J is your host in this episode.
NSR #10 Adrian's Story - MTV's "Scrubbing In" Show, Tempting $1000 Proposition, Loss of a Brother, Much More
01/06/2017 Duration: 53minAdrian is a nurse that was featured on the MTV reality show called "Scubbing In". He briefly goes over his time on the show. He tells his story about being a NYU nursing student, losing his brother due to a tragic accident, finding various jobs while living in San Diego, and a tempting $1000 proposition he received while being broke. Derek J is your host for this episode.
NSR #9 Olga's Story - Nursing During the Baltimore Riots, Security Ninjas, Blue Light District, Much More
25/05/2017 Duration: 46minOriginally from Poland, Olga moved to the U.S. at a young age. She eventually became a nurse and started her career in Baltimore. Traumas (TRU), Baltimore Riots, filming of a reality show, New Zealand escape, 12 O'clock Boys Documentary, Blue Light District, and her nursing career all discussed in this episode. Derek J is your host.
NSR #8 - Heather's Journey With Old Granny Juice, Rural Hospitals, Working on Multiple Units
18/05/2017 Duration: 24minHeather RN, wife of Shane Ritchie on episode 3, discusses her healthcare life with disgusting medical stories involving foley care, the differences working in multiple units/states, and experiencing work traumas that affect healthcare workers. Derek J. is your host on this episode of NSR.
NSR #7 Kari's Story - ICU Nurse, Stroke Survivor "When We Become Patients" Series
11/05/2017 Duration: 37minKari is an ICU nurse diagnosed with protein c deficiency - she shares here experience on having a stroke while visiting the Grand Canyon. She elaborates on her experience of being a patient while describing what it's like to have seizures and hallucinations. Part of the "When We Become Patients" Series. Derek J is your host.
NSR #6 Jessica RN - Suppository Shock, Travel Nursing Married Life, To Stay or Not to Stay in Nursing
04/05/2017 Duration: 32minJessica, who is married to Ginger Mike from Episode #5, describes the moment when nursing became real to her. She discusses the advice from her family about nursing and was prepared for tougher questions.
NSR #5 Ginger Hair, Married Travel Nursing Life, Napa, and the Hawaii Curse
28/04/2017 Duration: 20minGuest Ginger Mike describes his life - married travel nursing life, his majestic ginger beard, and what not to carry in Hawaii unless you want a court date
NSR #3 - Southern Charm, Nursing, & Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP)
13/04/2017 Duration: 50minShane RN delivers his southern charm while discussing his travel nursing life, unique childhood upbringing, and his experience with Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP). Derek J is the host for this episode of NSR.
NSR #2 The Healing Power of Humor
07/04/2017 Duration: 29minJon (travel nurse, marine, nurse manager) discusses the source of his humor and how he uses it to help patients in need of a laugh.
NSR #1 - And It Begins...Scrubs Nation
28/03/2017 Duration: 18minTwo nurses discuss their experiences of travel nursing - within and outside the hospital.