Basil Sands brings you news, views and opinions on just about everything in a rapid fire fun, free style manner. Think of him as the Dennis Miller of Alaska. He is already well known in podcast audio-book circles for his four higlhly acclaimed audio-books titles released on and iTunes. In his home town of Anchorage he is known as a fill in host on one of Alaska's most popular radio stations. Get set to be informed, entertained, and set on edge by his fast paced conservative, comical, serious, silly, and thoroughly Alaskan perspective on the world at large. News, information, entertainment, talk, live, author, politics, conservative, liberal, whatever, etc. How's that for a description
St. Patricks Day Show 2011
15/04/2011 Duration: 01h13minInterview with a Leprachaun and other important news
Egypt may need some Ghurkas
14/02/2011 Duration: 01h50minguest hosting the Glen Biegel show 2-11-11
Pharoahs v. Mullahs
02/02/2011 Duration: 11minThe situation in the Mid-East is taking a new turn...and it ain't for the better
Pharoahs v. Mullahs
01/02/2011 Duration: 11minThe situation in the mid-east is a'changing...and it ain't for the better
Palin in the Crosshairs - libs pickin' a fight
15/01/2011 Duration: 16minDon't understand why really, but the Libs are working hard to start a fight here. Sad course they've taken, it's going to blow up in their faces.
Basil hosts the Glen Biegel Show
09/01/2011 Duration: 01h50minGuest hosting the Glen Biegel Show 1-7-2011, lots of fun and too much caffiene.
Basil is Back!
05/01/2011 Duration: 06minBAWNR is back, in a smaller more cozy sorta style. After contemplating dropping the show in it's entirety, the voices in my head decided that they need an outlet...therefore here we are again. New format, shorter more frequent episodes, and more strawberry filling.
Rebellion Brewing and A Falling Star
21/11/2010 Duration: 51minTalking about TSA's dumb moves and a great interview with author Philip Chen about his book Falling Star
Naked Missiles
18/11/2010 Duration: 56minSenator Cruella DeVille , TSA can see your thingy, and a break to chat with a really good author.
Swear Words Make You Look Stupid
08/11/2010 Duration: 01h07minThat, and an interview with Gordon Ryan