Each week, members of the Scene-It cast get together to review 2 Episode of Marvel's Jessica Jones on Netflix in preparation for the Defenders and Season 2!
S: 02 E: 09-13
27/03/2018 Duration: 02h31min(Recorded March 26th, 2018) Jessie, Kova, Rebekah and Steven review the final five episodes of Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 02!For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast.You can find Jessie on Instagram @jessceratopsYou can find Rebekah on Number One Comicbook Podcast, The Animated Batcast and the Ladies of the Leftover Army (LOLA)You can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve
S: 02 E: 05-08
19/03/2018 Duration: 01h26min(Recorded March 18th, 2018) Kova, Rebekah and Steven review the fifth, sixth, seventh and eight episode of Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 02!For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast.You can find Jessie on Instagram @jessceratopsYou can find Rebekah on Number One Comicbook Podcast, The Animated Batcast and the Ladies of the Leftover Army (LOLA)You can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve
S: 02 E: 02-04
12/03/2018 Duration: 01h44min(Recorded March 11th, 2018) Brian, Jessie, and Steven review the second, third and fourth episodes of Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 02!For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast.You can find Jessie on Instagram @jessceratopsYou can find Brian on the Pop Culture Leftovers, Number One Comic Books, We Are Legion and Sweetwater Saloon podcasts.You can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve
S: 02 E: 01 | AKA Start At the Beginning
10/03/2018 Duration: 01h46min(Recorded March 09th, 2018) Brian, Jessie, Kova, and Steven review the first episode of Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 02!For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast.You can find Jessie on Instagram @jessceratopsYou can find Brian on the Pop Culture Leftovers, Number One Comic Books, We Are Legion and Sweetwater Saloon podcasts.You can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve
S: 01 E: 12 & 13 | AKA Take A Bloody Number & AKA Smile
07/06/2017 Duration: 01h46min(Recorded June 6th, 2017) Jessie, Kova, Steven and Wingate the last two episodes in Season 01 of Marvel's Jessica Jones!For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast.You can find Jessie on Instagram @jessceratopsYou can find Wingate on Tied to Fargo: A Fargo PodcastYou can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve
S: 01 E: 10 & 11 | AKA 1,000 Cuts & AKA I've Got the Blues
17/05/2017 Duration: 02h18min(Recorded May 16th, 2017) Jessie, Kova, Steven and Wingate are joined with guest host Brooke to breakdown and recap episodes 10 and 11 of Marvel's Jessica Jones on Netflix!For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast.You can find Jessie on Instagram @jessceratopsYou can find Wingate on Anime Poddokyasuto and Tied with Hannibal: A Hannibal PodcastYou can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10You can find Brooke on Twitter and Instagram @Brookita37
S: 01 E: 08 & 09 | AKA WWJD? & AKA Sin Bin
02/05/2017 Duration: 02h19min(Recorded May 1st, 2017) Jesse, Rod, Steven and Wingate review episodes 8 and 9 of Marvel's Jessica Jones! Send us your emails to us on and on twitter @sceneitcast.You can find Jessie on Instagram @jessceratopsYou can find Wingate on Anime Poddokyasuto and Tied with Hannibal: A Hannibal PodcastYou can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteveFind Rod on Instagram @rod_claerbout
S: 01 E: 06 & 07 | AKA You're A Winner! & AKA Top Shelf Perverts
28/04/2017 Duration: 01h45min(Recorded April 27th, 2017) Jesse, Kova, Steven and Wingate are back to review episodes 6 and 7 of Marvel's Jessica Jones! Send us your emails to Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast.You can find Jessie on Instagram @jessceratopsYou can find Wingate on Anime Poddokyasuto and Tied with Hannibal: A Hannibal PodcastYou can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve
S: 01 E: 05 | AKA The Sandwich Saved Me
23/04/2017 Duration: 41min(Recorded April 23rd, 2017) Kova, Steven and Wingate breakdown and recap episode 05 of Marvel's Jessica Jones on Netflix! For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast. You can find Jessie on Instagram @jessceratops You can find Wingate on Anime Poddokyasuto and Tied with Hannibal: A Hannibal Podcast You can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10 Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve
S: 01 E: 03 & 04 | AKA It's Called Whiskey & AKA 99 Friends
13/04/2017 Duration: 01h50min(Recorded April 12th, 2017) Jessie, Kova, Steven and Wingate are joined with guest hostz Brooke and Rachel! to breakdown and recap episodes 03 and 04 of Marvel's Jessica Jones on Netflix! For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast. You can find Jessie on Instagram @jessceratops You can find Wingate on Anime Poddokyasuto and Tied with Hannibal: A Hannibal Podcast You can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10 Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve
S: 01 E: 01 & 02 | AKA Ladies Night & AKA Crush Syndrome
09/04/2017 Duration: 02h08min(Recorded April 9th, 2017) Jessie, Kova, Steven and Wingate breakdown and recap episodes 01 and 02 of Marvel's Jessica Jones on Netflix! For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast. You can find Wingate on Anime Poddokyasuto and Tied with Hannibal: A Hannibal Podcast You can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10 Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve
S: 01 E: 00 | Season 01 Preview
09/04/2017 Duration: 14min(Originally uploaded on April 9th, 2017) Jessie, Kova, Steven and Wingate talk about their history with Jessica Jones (not much) and what we could expect for Season 1. For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast. You can find Wingate on Anime Poddokyasuto and Tied with Hannibal: A Hannibal Podcast You can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10 Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve
Iron Fist | Season 01 Preview
04/04/2017 Duration: 01h58min(Originally uploaded on February 22nd, 2017) Aaron, Kova and Steven are joined with Jon from Friday Night Fandom and Ryan from Comic Slobs to break down their expectations or Marvel and Netflix's Iron Fist Season One! Aaron maybe under the weather and Jon might not know who Iron Fist is but thankfuly everyone brings their A game. Steven who barely knows who Iron Fist is and Ryan from Comic Slobs (Need I say more?) help everyone understand who Iron Fist is and what we could expect for Season 1. For Feedback, email us Like us on and on twitter @sceneitcast. You can find Kova on twitter @kovanova10 Find Ryan on and on twitter @Comic_Slobs Find Steve on and on twitter @TheSpoilerSteve Find Jon on twitter @FNFandom and on Find Aaron on
Luke Cage | Season 01 Preview
04/04/2017 Duration: 27min(Originally uploaded September 18th, 2016) Aaron, Kova and Steven talk all things Luke Cage in preperation for the series premiere of Netflix's Marvel's Luke Cage. You can find all episodes of season 1 reviewed on our 'Luke Cage' podcast channel