Hosted by journalist and community activist Cheryl D. Fields, this show features conversations with people who practice collective leadership as a means of strengthening their communities. Conversations explore how everyday people from around the US are crossing the boundaries of culture, gender, race, education, age, religion and class to create more just and peaceful communities.
Leadership Development as a community change strategy
01/11/2011 Duration: 45minThis show will examine how leadership development can effectively be used to organize groups and individuals into voices for change. The show will focus on this strategy as used by Latinos for Community Transformation and It will explore how the organization has used it on issues such as health care, immigration, and education.
The Media’s Role in Latino Engagement for Community Change
18/10/2011 Duration: 45minThe show will explore some of the unique challenges in using the media to enage Latino communities. The show will feature Macarena Hernandez who as a journalist and educator has played an instrumental role in advancing the stories and issues of Latinos and their community.
Telling the Stories of American Education: The Role of Journalists
04/10/2011 Duration: 45minAn exploration of how journalists convey their education stories. What are the types of sources they use? What do they consider newsworthy? How can educators and those concerned about education better interest/involve journalists. Guests include Kathleen Manzo of the Hatcher Group and Adam Maksl the former assistant director of workshops in the Department of Journalism at Ball State University.
The Role of Education in Society
27/09/2011 Duration: 30minWrap up of last week's Tennessee thought leaders gathering. An esteem group of educators, journalists, and community leaders gathered to consider what education's role should be and how to make it manifest. The show will feature Kwesi Rollins, a participant and director of leadership programs at the Institute for educational leadership.
Courageous Collaboration with Gracious Space
13/09/2011 Duration: 30minThis episode will feature a discussion of the Center for Ethical Leadership's new book --Courageous Collaboration with Gracious Space: From small openings to profound transformations. The guest will be Pat Hughes, one of the book's co-authors who will share important insight into the lessons learned since their preceding book on Gracious Space was published in 2004.