Effective July 26th, 2013 - The Universal Voice was Closed...HOWEVER...although permanently suspended on August 15th, we are PENDING future SIGNIFICANT NEWS REPORTS! Please follow Jean Haines at : my website at http://uvrn.nete-mail:
Universal Voice Signing Off
15/08/2013 Duration: 18minToday is the final day of Universal Voice. It has been my distinct honor to host programming in the name of FREEDOM and I hope one day there will be a need to re-open for important news from Neil Keenan or others in the freedom movement. Until we meet again, this is Denise Rednour signing off. With Love and Best Wishes to all of YOU! ~ Denise
Universal Voice Explanation and Final Closing Statements
01/08/2013 Duration: 01h10minThis is a broadcast of closing statements from Universal Voice on the reasons for the abrupt closing and separation from Drake. Denise Rednour and Great Gramy J explain their reasons. Please use your discernment following the freedom movement and please stay "Forward Moving and Focused on Freedom".