Welcome to Analytic University where you will get the dish on entertainment, media, education, global events, life, and comedy!!
Analytic University discusses the Trayvon Martin Case
15/07/2013 Duration: 29minToure and Amare discuss the Trayvon Martin case and verdict
Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 4 Episode 1 Review
07/11/2011 Duration: 30minToure and Amare discuss the first episode of RHOA Season 4
Relationship Etiquette
10/10/2011 Duration: 30minAmare and Toure' elaborate on how to properly hold a relationship together.
Fake A**Friends/Burned South African Male
03/10/2011 Duration: 30minAmare and Toure' discuss the difference between a real friend and a fake one..also AU talks about the South African Male who was burned for reportedly being GAY