African-American Conservatives focuses on topical political commentary relevant to conservative communities of color. Host: Marie Stroughter
Interview With Kimberley Strassel and Kim Holmes
20/07/2016 Duration: 59minKimberley Strassel is a member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board. Since 2007 she has written the "Potomac Watch" column and has worked for the Wall Street Journal in Brussels, London, and New York. An Oregon native, Ms. Strassel is a graduate of Princeton University and lives in Virginia with her three children. Her new book is entitled, “The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech.”Kim R. Holmes is a Distinguished Fellow and former Vice President of The Heritage Foundation, who oversaw the think tank’s defense and foreign policy team for more than two decades. Holmes also served as a U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for international organization affairs during most of the first term of President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2004. His new book is entitled, “The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left."
Interview With Eric Bolling and Phil Kerpen
13/07/2016 Duration: 52minEric Bolling is a Fox News Channel personality and co-host of the highly rated show The Five and his own weekend program Cashin' In. He frequently appears on other Fox programs, including as substitute host for Bill O’Reilly on The O’Reilly Factor. His new book is entitled, Wake Up America: The Nine Virtues That Made Our Nation Great - And Why We Need Them More Than Ever.Phil Kerpen is the president of American Commitment and a leading free-market policy analyst and advocate in Washington. Prior to joining American Commitment, he was the principal policy and legislative strategist at Americans for Prosperity, and has worked at the Free Enterprise Fund, the Club for Growth, and the Cato Institute. Mr. Kerpen is also a nationally syndicated columnist, chairman of the Internet Freedom Coalition, and author of the 2011 book, Democracy Denied.
Interview With Allen West
06/07/2016 Duration: 49minAllen West served as an US Representative representing Florida's 22nd and 18th District. He is a 22 year veteran of the military where he earned the rank of Lieutenant Colonel as well as a Bronze Star and a Meritorious Service Medal. He is a Fox News contributor, founder of, the author of the bestseller Guardian of the Republic: An American Ronin’s Journey to Faith, Family and Freedom. LTC West currently serves as Executive Director and Vice-Chairman of the Board for the National Center for Policy Analysis.We also have a special segment for you tonight: Host Marie Stroughter has a newly minted adult in her household and will get his perspective on the current political landscape.
Interview with Professor Ilya Somin and William S. King
15/06/2016 Duration: 01h01minILYA SOMIN is Professor of Law at George Mason University School of Law. He is a regular contributor for the Washington Post’s Volokh Conspiracy blog and is the author or co-author of several books, including The Grasping Hand: "Kelo v. City of New London” and the Limits of Eminent Domain. Professor Somin has recently released a second edition of his 2013 book, Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government Is Smarter, which he will discuss with us today.WILLIAM S. KING is an independent scholar and commercial driver specializing in the transport of oversized industrial materials. He is the author of the award-winning To Raise Up a Nation: John Brown, Frederick Douglass, and the Making of a Free Country. His new book is titled Till the Dark Angel Comes: Abolitionism and the Road to the Second American Revolution.
Interview with Juan Williams and Demetrius Minor
01/06/2016 Duration: 01h01minJuan Williams is a top political analyst for Fox News Channel, co-host of the daily news show “The Five,” and a columnist for The Hill. His written work includes such critically acclaimed bestselling books as Eyes on the Prize, Enough, and Thurgood Marshall. And his latest book is entitled We the People: The Modern-Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers' Vision of America.Demetrius Minor is a former White House intern, and radio and television talk show personality, and the founder of He is also a graduate of Georgia Military College and a member of the National Advisory Council of Project 21, a black leadership network. His first book is entitled, Preservation and Purpose: The Making of a Young Millennial.