The official podcast of Fausta's Blog. Fausta Wertz podcasts daily at 11AM Eastern at Faustas 15 Minutes on Latin America on the relationship between American and Latin American politics, news, current events and culture.
Obama eases travel & money restrictions to Cuba
17/01/2011 Duration: 42minObama eases travel & money restrictions to Cuba, a major concession while an American remains imprisoned.
Hillary and Hugo, BFFs: 15 Minutes on Latin America
03/01/2011 Duration: 15minHillary Clinton attends Dilma Rousseff's inauguration in Brazil and doesn't miss the opportunity to have a lovely tete-a-tete with Hugo Chavez.
Dictatorship, Venezuelan Style
27/12/2010 Duration: 42minVenezuelan blogger Daniel of Venezuela News and Views talks about the new laws
Chavez rules by decree: 15 Minutes on Latin America
20/12/2010 Duration: 16minVenezuela’s Chavista-controlled lame-duck National Assembly granted Hugo Chavez the power to rule by decree for the next eighteen months
1,800 Russian anti-aircraft missiles in Venezuela: 15 Minutes on Latin America
13/12/2010 Duration: 16minWikileaks confirms the Venezuelan armaments race.
Criminal capitalism: 15 Minutes on Latin America
06/12/2010 Duration: 16minHugo Chavez, who has been in power since 1999, is blaming "criminal capitalism" for the massive flooding in Venezuela.
Headlines from Memeorandum
02/12/2010 Duration: 18minA quick review and commentary on today's Memeorandum headlines.
Wikileaks down South
01/12/2010 Duration: 46minMonica Showalter of Investor's Business Daily talks about what the Wikileaks reveal about diplomacy with Latin American countries, and asks 10 WikiLeaks Questions For Obama.
The war next door
22/11/2010 Duration: 36minSilvio Canto talks about the Texas border and the war next door.
Makled knows too much: 15 Minutes on Latin America
18/11/2010 Duration: 15minSyria-born Venezuelan national druglord Walid Makled is to be deported from Colombia to Venezuela instead of the USA. Why is that?