How much do current events dovetail with Biblical prophecy? Examine with us the evidence that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent.Program is pre-recorded. For HOMEWORK - additional items of interest:
An Eschatological Roadmap - The Anakypto Forum
04/08/2014 Duration: 46minUsing Matthew 24 as a basic pattern, we can see how the chronologies of Revelation complete the picture, showing clearly that the ekklesia will appear in heaven before the wrath of God is poured out on the earth.My sincere thanks to John Little at OmegaShock for providing much of the grist for this much-needed discussion. I'm a pre-Great-tribber ... and I love the Lord!Current events and Biblical prophecy. Things are continuing to stack up around the world as we witness daily events that match the signs Jesus told us to watch for that would herald His soon return.Because the program must be pre-recorded, I can't take your phone calls. If you want to call in, contact me via email: visit the HOMEWORK page and click on the link.Current events - Biblical prophecy - tracking the signs of the last days - encouragement - "sermonettes for Christianettes" -Scriptures: Matthew 24:3-29, Revelation 2:1 ff -Cures for churchianity - gifts for listeners ("Anakypto Gives Back") - homework - and an
Special Word from Bill Noonkesser - The Anakypto Forum
03/08/2014 Duration: 17minTechnology is no substitute for personal relationships. In this world of electronic sophistication, it is easy to become more distant from people, or more superficial in our relationships.
More on the 'Pre-Great-Trib' Rapture - The Anakypto Forum
01/08/2014 Duration: 47minCurrent events and Biblical prophecy. Things are continuing to stack up around the world as we witness daily events that match the signs Jesus told us to watch for that would herald His soon return.Because the program must be pre-recorded, I can't take your phone calls. If you want to call in, contact me via email: visit the HOMEWORK page and click on the link.Current events - Biblical prophecy - tracking the signs of the last days - encouragement - "sermonettes for Christianettes" -Music: Your Grace Still Amazes Me by Phillips, Craig & Dean -Cures for churchianity - gifts for listeners ("Anakypto Gives Back") - homework - and an occasional dash of subtle Piedmont humor ...(Note: this podcast is available through iTunes)
Are Pre-Tribbers 'God-Haters'? - The Anakypto Forum
31/07/2014 Duration: 45minThere is a period of time, we believe in the near future, that Jesus said would be the most intense period of tribulation that will ever occur. Do those who believe that Jesus will remove His church before this period of "great tribulation" HATE GOD??Current events and Biblical prophecy. Things are continuing to stack up around the world as we witness daily events that match the signs Jesus told us to watch for that would herald His soon return.Because the program must be pre-recorded, I can't take your phone calls. If you want to call in, contact me via email: visit the HOMEWORK page and click on the link.Current events - Biblical prophecy - tracking the signs of the last days - encouragement - "sermonettes for Christianettes" -Scriptures: Matthew 24, Revelation 7-Cures for churchianity - gifts for listeners ("Anakypto Gives Back") - homework - and an occasional dash of subtle Piedmont humor ...
Music and Random Commentary - The Anakypto Forum
30/07/2014 Duration: 45minContinuation of yesterday's program, except more music for filler.Current events and Biblical prophecy. Things are continuing to stack up around the world as we witness daily events that match the signs Jesus told us to watch for that would herald His soon return.Because the program must be pre-recorded, I can't take your phone calls. If you want to call in, contact me via email: visit the HOMEWORK page and click on the link.Current events - Biblical prophecy - tracking the signs of the last days - encouragement - "sermonettes for Christianettes" -Cures for churchianity - gifts for listeners ("Anakypto Gives Back") - homework - and an occasional dash of subtle Piedmont humor ...