News briefs and short interviews hosted by Isidra Person-Lynn with Darlene Donloe as Entertainment Reporter, Hannibal Tabu Tech & Pop & Dr. Kwaku, Candid Moments (History).
SML: My World Podcast --In the Loop with Gayle Corn
03/04/2013 Duration: 30minHost/producer Isidra Person-Lynn interviews entrepreneur Gayle Corn about her latest business adventure for her events calendar and eblasts, a free app for TheLoop411 (In App stores free) Download the App: The Loop411 from your favorite App Store Gayle's Handcrafted bracelets: Coming up May 24 & 25! For a quote for business or issue oriented interviews (video or audio) produced by Isidra Person-Lynn, call (213) 394-5075
SML 100: Join us Today for Our Last Show @ Derrick's
02/12/2012 Duration: 02h01minWe are marking our 100th Episode of Sunday Morning Live with a Meet-up, Wrap Party and Cash Mob for Derrick's Jamaican Cuisine. We will broadcast live and ask all who have been interviewed or have enjoyed listening to come support Derrick's $4.99 breakfast. We'll have open mic for patrons with something to say! First come gets on the air! That's 10a.m. - 1 p.m.To hear the interviews about the Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas swearing in at MLK hospital go to our channel at We bring a few words from him and Dr. Elaine Batchelor and Assemblywoman Holly Mitchell. All Photos by Leroy Hamilton. Join Us! Derrick's Jamaican Cuisine 6806 La Tijera Blvd. Los Angeles, CA (Near LaCienega and Centinela) 9 a.m. til 1 p.m.
SML 99: SML A Look Back
25/11/2012 Duration: 02h24sOnly 2 More Episodes Join Us:Save the date! Sunday, Dec 2nd we are marking our 100th Episode of Sunday Morning Live with a Meet-up and Wrap Party at Derrick's Jamaican Cuisine. We will broadcast live and ask all who have been interviewed or have enjoyed listening to come support Derrick's $4.99 breakfast. We'll have open mic for patrons with something to say! First come gets on the air! That's 10a.m. 12/2/2012
SML 98 - Brad Pye, Jr. and Darlene's got Goapele!
18/11/2012 Duration: 01h59minSML 98 Three Shows Left 10:00 a.m. Celebrating 30 Years of Jaaye Person-Lynn 10:15 Darlene Donloe's Entertainment features an interview with Goapele and we can't wait!10:30 Switch Reels! This week on Sunday Morning Live, we will interview Brad Pye, Jr., the dean of black sports in Los Angeles in print and on radio. He talks about having gone to see all of Muhammad Ali's fights, even in Zaire in Africa, his 6 years working with the late Supervisor Kenneth Hahn, people who have rescued him and his upcoming book! You can still read his Sports Beat in the Inland Valley News. 11:30 Short Takes More segments to be announced! Have A Healthy Thanksgiving, Everybody!