Smart, funny and ahead of the curve, Your Money Solutions will touch on every area of personal finance from how to manage a paycheck, pay for college, kick the credit card habit, slash your food bill, give to others (and yourself!), understand your 401k, whats going on in the scary world of financeand everything between. If its about money, youll find an easy-to-understand solution on Your Money Solutions with Mary Hunt from Woman's Day magazine.Tune in Thursdays at noon eastern time, 9:00am pacific time.
How to Turn Grocery Coupons into Serious Cash
17/09/2009 Duration: 30minThe world of grocery coupons is changing so fast, it's enough to give the best shopper whiplash! Whether you are a clipper or not, today's edition of Your Money Solutions is going to inspire you! Learn how to cut your grocery bill in half from listener Megan Alba, of Oklahoma City. Hint: The Sunday paper is no longer the best or only place to find coupons. We're sharing all the secrets right here on Your Money Solutions!
Living a Cash Lifestyle in a Plastic World
10/09/2009 Duration: 29minFace it. We live in a plastic world. We love convenience and we hate to have to think too hard about our day-to-day spending. Besides, plastic is just plain cool. Maybe too cool? Has cash really gone the way of the dinosaurs in this modern electronic world? Is there any reason at all that we should slide backwards into an all-cash mindset? Is it even possible? That's what we'll be talking about on today's edition of Your Money Solutions! Listen in as Mary Hunt presents her case, then call in to give yours!Or to ask questions and share your ideas. Caller line: 347 826 9774.
Cook for a Day, Eat for a Month, or Two Weeks!
03/09/2009 Duration: 30minOn today's edition of Your Money Solutions, we welcome Mary Beth Lagerborg, co-inventor of the ultimate do-ahead dinnertime method, Once-A-Month Cooking. In celebration of the 20-Year Anniversary of their original bestselling book that launched the OAMC phenomenon, Lagerborg and her co-author Mimi Wilson through their purblisher, St. Martin's Press, released the sequel, Once-A-Month Cooking, Family Favorites, on Sep. 1, 2009. Here's the great news about the new book: The option of 2-Week Tracks and Gluten-Free Tracks as well! If you've cooked for one whole month in a single day, you know it can be quite a challenge. The new 2-Week option is fabulous! You do not want to miss this show! Call in with your questions, congratulations and kudos for the the authors who are the genius behind OAMC.
Buying a New Car? How to Avoid Fraud—and Get the Best Deal!
27/08/2009 Duration: 30minIs this a good time to buy a car? Mary's guest, Keely Funkhouser from, on today's edition of Your Money Solutions, says it is. We'll get to the bottom of this, including how to shop for a new car online without fear of fraud and practical tips for how to take the fear out of car shopping!
How to Talk to Teens about Money
20/08/2009 Duration: 30minHaving trouble communicating wtih your teens about money? Listen to today's edition of Your Money Solutions when Mary's guest will be Kristine Dixon, Charles Schwab Director of Consumer Education. We promise great information and specific tips that will get you and your teens in a mood to listen, talk and really communicate about spending and saving, too!
Credit Card Reform: Oh, Really?!
13/08/2009 Duration: 30minWere you so happy a few months ago when the President signed the new Credit CARD Act of 2009? You know, the one that would cut credit card issuers off at the knees and prevent them from stiffing account holders with outrageous interest rates and hidden fees? Perhaps, we're learning, your joy was premature. Instead, you've been hit with shock and awe in the form of increased interest rates, reduced credit limits and doubled minimum monthly payments. What is going on?! On today's edition of Your Money Solutions Mary Hunt unearth all the dirt and then create a plan so that anyone with a credit card can fight back!
Simple Tips for Surviving Tough Times
06/08/2009 Duration: 30minToday Mary Hunt welcomes Gary Foreman, former financial planner and creator of the popular website, The Dollar Stretcher. Over 300,000 readers benefit from the time and money saving ideas presented in The Dollar Stretcher newsletters each week. Gary's mission is to help people "Live Better for Less". Mary will be taking calls, so if you have a question, comment or money-saving tip, call 347 826-9774 at 12noon, EDT.
The Low Down on Buyer Protection Plans
30/07/2009 Duration: 30minHyundai Motor Co. started something when it unveiled its Buyer Assurance Plus program, which offered to cover three months of car payments if a buyer became unemployed. Ford followed with a similar program. Recently Sears announced its Buyer Protection Program for major appliances. If you lose your job—Sears will cover the cost. Larry Costello, Director, Public Relations, Sears Holdings Management Corporation will be Mary's guest on today's edition of Your Money Solutions. He promises to answer all our questions and give us the full scoop on how Sears can do that! And we'll talk about buyer protection plans generally ... are they worth it? Should they influence our purchasing decisions?
The Truth About Credit Counseling and Debt Settlement
23/07/2009 Duration: 30minHave you ever wondered what credit counseling and debt settlement are all about? How does it work? Or better ... does it work? It is right for you? Mary's guest debt expert Steve Rhode, founder of and President of Myvesta Foundation, promises all the answers! Perhaps you've heard of Steve ... he's that nice guy that believes that success happens because we take action, not just talk about it. If you've got a question about debt, counseling or debt settlement, be sure to call in at 347 826 9774, 12 noon, Eastern.
Why You Need a Great Credit Score- And How to Get One
16/07/2009 Duration: 29minFew things these days are as confusing as credit scores! What is it? What's FICO 08? Can I get my credit score free? What helps and what harms my credit score? What do I even need one at all? Tune in to this week's edition of Your Money Solutions with Mary Hunt for a quick and easy overview of what all this means including the Dos and Don'ts that could easily raise (or lower) that 3-digit number known as your credit score!