Liberty Cures All!The show dedicated to applying the ideas behind liberty to understand politics and life.
PGP, Mesh Nets, and Riots in the Streets
24/02/2014 Duration: 01h10minOn this epiosde of Liberty Panacea Matt and Jamie are joined with Cathy Reisenwitz of to discuss mesh nets, girlscouts selling cookies outside cannabis dispensaries and the protests going on in Kiev and Venezuela. Our special guest is Ben Goldhaber to discuss Pretty Good Privacy also known as PGP and its importance to protect your privacy. Ben's work can be found at Like the show? Consider a donation to the Tip Jar :)Bitcoin:1AkJUBGuvY95VG26qxTMS9djekmAzL4KFcLitecoin:LeJrwnZ5V9sNPKTGkhKoiWCTRNw5b447GC
Fight For Food Freedom
17/02/2014 Duration: 58minOn this episode of Liberty Panacea join Matt McKibbin and Cathy Reisenwitz of as they discuss the weeks news, including new studies on marijuana, lsd, some liberty minded, valentines, and interview Mark Baker of ( who is currently fighting a court battle against the Department of Natural Resources in Michigan over raisng what the DNR has called an Invasive Species Order (ISO) . His Call in with your questions or be sure to catch the archived show on blogtalk or itunes. Tip Jar :)Bitcoin:1AkJUBGuvY95VG26qxTMS9djekmAzL4KFcLitecoin:LeJrwnZ5V9sNPKTGkhKoiWCTRNw5b447GC
Decentralize All The Things, Invictus Innovations, Keyhotee, & Bitshares
10/02/2014 Duration: 01h04sOn this episode of Liberty Panacea, Matt and special guest cohost Cathy Reisenwitz, Editor in Chief at, discuss the USPS creating their own bitcoin exchange, 3d printers printing other 3d printers, why the US Government has every incentive to see bitcoin fail, crowdfunding basic science and the first interview with Edward Snowden. Following the news Matt and Cathy take your calls and interview Daniel Larimer CEO of Invictus Innovations and creator of the decentralized exchange platform Bitshares and decentralized reputation system Keyhotee. Invictus Innovations You can visit us at and send us your feedback at Shows air Sundays @ 9 pm EST and are avalable on blogtalkradio archives and itunes by searching Liberty Panacea.Like the show? Tips welcome! ;)Bitcoin:1AkJUBGuvY95VG26qxTMS9djekmAzL4KFcLitecoin:LeJrwnZ5V9sNPKTGkhKoiWCTRNw5b447GC
States Gone Wild, Police Brutality, & Innovative Disruptive Technology
03/02/2014 Duration: 59minOn tonight's episode of Liberty Panacea, Matt and special guest cohost Cathy Reisenwitz, Editor in Chief at, discuss the wave of unbrideled police brutality, capital controls, and how innovative disruptive technology like bitcoin and encryption empowers the individual. Also on tonights show the first ever segment of States Gone Wild, where we highlight an event where the state has gone out of control. Tune in at 9pm EST or catch the archived show immediately after the episode on blogtalkradio or itunes.
Legalization and New Technology
13/01/2014 Duration: 50minMatt and Jamie return for a discussion on Colorado's legalization of marijuana and several new technologies on the horizon. We will also cover some important news.Find out more about the show, visit: