Anything to Add, Monty? The Sporting Cinema podcast is an hour where Dave and John talk about their favorite good and bad sports movies.
Episode 37 - The Waterboy
20/06/2019 Duration: 01h24minIt is time to cover another Sandler, and it was one of the best. John and Dave discuss souping up lawn mowers, parts of snakes, and the famous medulla oblongata. Check us out on facebook at
Episode 36 - The Mighty Ducks
01/06/2019 Duration: 01h28minPardon us, but we're back! I know it took 3 years, and some stuff has happened, but Anything to Add, Monty is back and Dave and John are here to discuss sports movies! To honor the rebirth of the podcast they discuss The Mighty Ducks, the sister movie to the founding film of this podcast. We discuss the weight bearing characteristics of ice, ultimate strategies for parental sports fandom, and take a harsh view of the Minneapolis legal system.
Episode 35 - Celtic Pride with Chris Clem
13/05/2016 Duration: 01h03minDave and John gave themselves a movie so bad that they needed help to figure it out so they invited friend/comedian Chris Clem to help. We watched Celtic Pride, a movie that seems like it was shot in 1985, but really came out closer to the infamous Space Jam. This movie hates basketball, and it probably hates you. But on a fun note it was written by Judd Apatow and Colin Quinn and features baby Jeff Ross. But don't be fooled, these facts do nothing to change the fact that this movie hates you.
Episode 34 - Miracle
29/04/2016 Duration: 55minDave and John have just watched a really good movie, and it has Dave struggling to find things to say other than "Watch it!" This historically accurate (for the most part) chronicle of the 1984 Men's olympic hockey team is engaging and inspiring. And none of the players complain that they play for team USA and not the ducks.
Episode 34 - Major League: Back to the Minors
15/04/2016 Duration: 01h08minAn IMDB poster complained that in Bull Durham there wasn't enough focus on the minor league players. So we though we would correct that and watch what we now know to be the worst movie we've covered so far. We dig through the ditches, burn through the witches and slam in the back of Scott Bacula, with Major League: Back to the Minors, a movie in which people know each other for no reason, and nothing good happens at all.
Episode 33 - Air Bud
01/04/2016 Duration: 01h11minIt was only a matter of time. Dave and John needed to take on an Air Bud movie. So we did. It wasn't as bad as we thought, but for different reasons than we originally thought. So watch and be amazed by a movie where middle school basketball is king, the police don't exist and the rule books are CHECKED. Enjoy Air Bud
Episode 32 - Bull Durham
17/03/2016 Duration: 53minDAVE AND JOHN ARE BACK! We know you are excited. The Hiatus is over and we are back to watching sports movies! We picked a classic (at the time because it was going to coincide with the world series, but now it is lining up perfectly with spring training! Great Work! We have a lot of good things to say about this episode's movie, Bull Durham
Episode 31 - The Replacements
03/10/2015 Duration: 49minDave and John take a look at the silly but pleasant Football/Labor Strife movie The Replacements. We enjoy Gene Hackman's chuckle a lot, his hat a little less, and his consistent use of the word "wirey" not at all. Watch Keanu Reeves in a part he was born to play. Enjoy this episode, The Replacements.
Episode 30 - The Karate Kid (1984)
04/09/2015 Duration: 01h07minDave and John wax on and wax off, we also strike first, strike hard, and show no mercy. We also sweep the leg. And every other cliche, because we watched the original, 1984's The Karate Kid
Episode 29 - Whip It
25/08/2015 Duration: 01h06minA love letter to Austin in the aughts, we get roller derby fever. Despite the presence of Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore, we enjoyed Whip It!
Episode 28 - The Sandlot
06/08/2015 Duration: 01h04minDave and John are back, and we bring you good tidings as well as a good movie. We are no longer killing you, smalls, as we watched, The Sandlot
Episode 27 - Happy Gilmore
14/05/2015 Duration: 51minAfter the last abomination, Dave and John enjoy a good Adam Sandler movie for a change. We watch the great golf classic "Happy Gilmore"
Episode 26 - The Benchwarmers
30/04/2015 Duration: 01h06minThe bar has been set. This is the worst movie we've ever watched. Period. Offensive, rude and worst off, not funny.
Episode 25 - Wrecking Ballz
02/04/2015 Duration: 51minDave and John finally get to this momumental mega hit. Wacky, over the top and sometimes downright confusing, we watched Wrecking Ballz
Episode 24 - Bend it Like Beckham
17/03/2015 Duration: 46minDave and John enjoy the football, and feel uncomfortable about the lying in this 90s movie that didnt actually get made until the early 2000's. We watched Bend it Like Beckham!
Episode 23 - Major League II
02/03/2015 Duration: 01h50minI don't have the energy to write more rage about this movie, so just enjoy the episode. We watched Major League II
One Year Anniversary Special Episode. D2: The Mighty Ducks Full Commentary
11/02/2015 Duration: 01h52minTo celebrate our one year anniversary we take a full length look at the entire movie D2: The Mighty Ducks which was the movie that started it all and inspired our podcast from the beginning. If you have a copy of the movie we suggest you sync it up in the beggining and watch along with us!
Episode 21 - Blades of Glory
09/01/2015 Duration: 01h05minWill Ferrel is a force of pure hilarious fury in this delightful Figure Skating movie. Solid laughs throughout without a lot of common sports movie hang ups. We enjoyed Blades of Glory
Episode 20, Hoosiers (1986)
13/12/2014 Duration: 01h05minGene Hackman leads a small town team to a fundamentally sound, bounce pass-filled victory in this wonderful basketball movie. A true classic, that outside of some synth drumming truly stands the test of time.
Episode 19, The Program
14/11/2014 Duration: 01h22minCollege football season is HEATING UP, and this super serious indicment of the corruption in college football tries to tap into that world, using the power of insanity! In some cases, literal insanity. Step into the seedy underbelly of the NC2A at ESU, with The Program!