The Good News Show covers good news, positive stories and healthy lifestyle tips! Welcome to the show!!!! Please feel free to browse through the archives so you can listen and enjoy the previous shows. We have new shows in our schedule so stay tuned for what's coming up!
Patti Black and David Madera. What is Hemp?
02/12/2011 Duration: 32minThis show is going to be very informative. What is Hemp? How is hemp contributing to a healthier lifestyle? Join us in this informative show to learn more. As we interview David Madera, you will learn about hemp uses in which most people have never heard of and how it's contributing to a healthier life and healthier environment for us! Did youknow it is possible to build a house from hemp and it has amazing advantages over tradition construction methods and materials??? You will after this show!
Patti Black and Bruce Stewart
14/11/2011 Duration: 44minThis is a very exciting and informative show! Join us in this discussion about NLP. The good news is...NLP is a technique that is used in healing people influenced from a past trauma in their lives. More good news is it can be done in a session and you dont have to go through weeks and years of therapy to heal. Those who have phoias also can be helped with NLP. Listen in to this show and grap a pen and piece of paper to take notes.
Patti Black and Rosemary Fletcher
07/06/2011 Duration: 30minThis weeks show is very exciting! Meet Rosenmary Fletcher, author of Change Your Mind Change Your Body and the founder of a natural healing center. Learn about Rosemary Fletchers story about being diagnosed with MS and although doctors told her she would be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life, she found the path to walking again and this also led her to publishing her book about how she accomplished this miracle. Please join the show and tell your friends about this interview. Learn more about Rosemary at Hope you enjoy the show!
Patti Black and Cynthia Segal - Girls Talk on Money
16/05/2011 Duration: 33minYou are invited! Meet Cynthia Segal! This is Cynthias second time being a guest on the Good News Show. We are very excited to have her with us this week. This shows topic is Girls Talk on Money. During this show, Cynthia uses her wisdom and skillful intuitive abilities to discuss money. It's very positive! I know you are going to have a different perception about money after this one! You can learn more about Cynthia Segal at her website Tune into this one...Welcome and enjoy the show!!!
Patti Black, Chere, Roberta Gallagher
21/03/2010 Duration: 40minJoin in an listen to this show. Meet Roberta Gallagher! Roberta is a marriage and family therapist who helps people with relationship challenges. This show touches on some very interesting things that could help you in your relationships. The good news is, Roberta is helping many people and can also help you!