Episode 006: Captain America: Civil War
30/06/2016 Duration: 58min***SPOILER ALERT*** We will be discussing every aspect of this film! Zach and James look at the movie “Captain America: Civil War” The same exact movie as Batman vs. Superman, yet infinitely more watchable.
Episode 005: Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice
08/05/2016 Duration: 01h17min***SPOILER ALERT*** We will be discussing every aspect of this film! Zach and James look at the movie “The Brothers Bloom” Zach and James experienced an epic battle between two titans of the comic book world. Unfortunately, they were reading a Calvin and Hobbes comic…. Batman vs. Superman was directed by Zach Snyder and stars […]
Episode 004: The Brothers Bloom
04/04/2016 Duration: 01h24min***SPOILER ALERT*** We will be discussing every aspect of this film! Zach and James look at the movie “The Brothers Bloom” Directed by Rian Johnson, this tale of two con men is one of Zach’s top 10 favorite movies. It’s fun, it’s dark, it’s quirky, and it keeps you on your toes. Featuring a fantastic […]
Episode 003: Brooklyn
28/03/2016 Duration: 01h02min***SPOILER ALERT*** We will be discussing every aspect of this film! Zach and James look at the movie “Brooklyn” Directed by John Crowley and staring Saoirse Ronan, Domhnall Gleeson, and Emory Cohen this is a very sweet movie about an Irish girl who travels from Ireland to Brooklyn in the search for a better life. […]
Episode 002: Jurassic Park
21/03/2016 Duration: 01h45min***SPOILER ALERT*** We will be discussing every aspect of this film! Zach and James look at the classic from 1993 “Jurassic Park” Directed by Steven Spielberg and based on a novel by Michael Crighton, this movie is about the awesomeness of dinosaurs. Jurassic Park has an awesome ensemble cast featuring Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff […]
Episode 001: Just chillin’ at the movies
07/03/2016 Duration: 50minHey everybody! Welcome to the first ever edition of the RangerDanger MultiPlex. In this episode Zach and James just sit and discuss movies for a while. No real agenda, no real structure, just straight up movie talk. It’s sort of a “Get-To Know-Us” episode. Hope you enjoy!