Return Of The Nerd

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 25:50:58
  • More information



Return Of The Nerd or aka the ROTNCAST, is a podcast that deals with Movies,TV series, Comics, Tabletop games,Toys, Card Games, Video Game and pretty everything under the sun thats awesome.


  • 020: Year Two Begins

    23/05/2016 Duration: 01h11min

    Welcome to year two of Return of the Nerd. Johnny and Ernie change things up a bit with a new, more structured format for the show to hopefully make listening even more enjoyable. This week’s main topic is the Deadpool movie. Let them know what you think by emailing them directly at you can also follow them on Instagram and Twitter @RotNcast and on Facebook, just search Return of the Nerd.

  • 019: Magic Shenaniganery

    26/04/2016 Duration: 01h08min

    In this enchanted episode of Return of the Nerd, Johnny and Ernie welcome back special guest Morgan. This time she’s going to teach the boys about her favorite game, Magic the Gathering. It’s been many, many, many years since Johnny has played (yeah, he’s old, whatever) and Ernie is strictly a cardboard crack dealer when it comes to this collectible card game. You can just about hear their blank stares as Morgan releases a flurry of acronyms regarding tournaments, but not to worry, a good time is had by all and Johnny may just pick up a deck to play again soon, listen and find out.

  • 018: Nerdmania

    19/04/2016 Duration: 47min

    In this exciting episode Ernie catches Johnny up on what he’s missed in the world of wrestling since he stopped watching it about ten years ago. They also reminisce about the old days and who their favorite personalities were. Will Ernie get Johnny to watch wrestling? Will Ernie’s passion for sports entertainment make you want to watch? You’ll have to listen to find out. One thing is for certain though, we will smack you down to the mat with laughs on this raw episode of Return of the Nerd!

  • 017: Return of the toy talk

    13/04/2016 Duration: 01h15min

    Them RotN boys are at it again, talking toys and taking tangents. At least this time the toys talked about are not from Johnny and Ernie’s childhood, but actually on toys shelves at this very moment… unless you listen to this episode in the far future, by then who knows what will be out, but that’s enough rambling for an episode description. So sit back and enjoy Return of the Nerd!

  • 016: The Nerds Awaken

    05/04/2016 Duration: 01h14min

    The boys are back and this time their inconsistent schedule and months delay between recording and posting an episode actually works out as Johnny and Ernie discuss Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (recorded mere weeks after the movies theatrical release) just in time for the Blu-ray release! Be warned, SPOILERS WITHIN!!!

  • RotN Collector Corps

    01/04/2016 Duration: 01h15min

    In this episode your nerds talk about the Marvel Collector Corps subscription boxes. Johnny is a big Funko Pop fan and Ernie… likes them well enough, but they both love Marvel so these boxes are something they look forward to every other month. Find out what they thought about each one and since this episode was recorded SOOOO long ago they decided to record their reactions to the last two boxes that had come out since they first sat down. Enjoy!

  • Stand Up and Nerd Out

    31/03/2016 Duration: 01h23min

    On this episode Johnny and the ever present Ernie sit down and talk Stand Up Comedy. Hear them discuss who their favorite comedians are and what kind of impact comedy has had on their lives. But it’s not all fun and games on this episode of RotN, no way, just when you think an episode will be all laughs the boys throw a curve ball and just about bawl their eyes out talking about Robin Williams and the correlation between comedy and depression. So strap in for a roller coaster of laughs and tears on this episode of RETURN OF THE NERD!

  • Return of the Nerd 013: Ready Player One Recap

    09/02/2016 Duration: 02h18min

    Johnny, Ernie and returning guest Morgan, sit down and discuss the book 'Ready Player One' by writer Ernest Cline. The gang recaps the book and give insight on one of the most unique stories of recent years. Get ready to dive deep into the future where a virtual utopia is a way of life and pop culture is all the knowledge you need. Spoilers ahead...

  • Return of the Nerd 012: Life of Video Games Part 1

    05/01/2016 Duration: 52min

    Johnny and Ernie take it back to the old school! We take a journey back in time remembering our first experience with video games. Talking about how these games changed our world and became a social way of life.Do you even know what an arcade is? Do you know what it is like Well youngster get ready to learn! We present to you the ongoing saga ROTN Life of Video GamesPart 1: A World That Can Not Be Saved

  • Return of the Nerd 011:Friday Night Hero Fights

    21/11/2015 Duration: 01h50s

    Johnny and Ernie talk about what gets discussed in every comic shop, what super powered being can beat up who. Listen in, while we defend the heroes we selected and give reasons on how they win their fights. We get locked in a stand still with our final battle and need your help to decide the clear winner!!!!

  • Return of the Nerd 010: Fantastic Flop

    13/10/2015 Duration: 01h11min

    After Johnny and Ernie took a break from the thrilling podcast life, they return with a vengeance!   After the two renegade podcasters catch up on life, they recap the aftermath of the new Fantastic Four movie that beyond flopped.

  • Return of the Nerd 009: The Beantrix

    15/09/2015 Duration: 01h47min

    Welcome to the Beantrix, like the Matrix but instead making you choose the red or blue pill, you will have to choose dog food or Chocolate pudding beans. Ernie has his workers, Morgan, Fez and Will Join him and Johnny on playing Russian roulette with Bean Boozled. Bean Boozled is similar to the beans in Harry Potter film called Bertie Bott's. So tune into listen to the crew bond over gagging over moldy cheese,lawn clippings, rotten egg and other horrible flavors. Also Morgan stays on with us a little longer, to talk what it's like to be a woman worker in a comic shop.

  • Return of the Nerd 008: Cheer & Loathing In SDCC 2015

    24/08/2015 Duration: 01h31min

    Since we had a month to let San Diego Comic Con spoilers to come out, Ernie and Johnny recap everything  about SDCC 2015. Some stuff made us happy, while other stuff made us cry. Stay tuned to see to grown men, go bananas over newly previewed; Movies, Toys and other awesome things.

  • Return of the Nerd 007: Films To Watch Another Day

    31/07/2015 Duration: 01h26min

    The Return Of The Nerd Duo tackle on movies they postponed  seeing and finally got around to seeing. Knights of Badassdom and Inglorious Bastards are heavily covered. Along with some fond memories of going to movie theaters. And did I mention, we didn't care what people said but Pixel's got us hyped...I think we were wrong.

  • Return of the Nerd 006: Days Of Future Comic Flicks Part 2

    02/07/2015 Duration: 01h07min

    Ernie and Johnny continue their talk about films they are excited and worry for. They get into depth over the 'Suicide Squad' and of course that leads to talking about the beautiful woman of 'Suicide Girls'. A lot of "Lil' Wayne Joker" is talked about and are stance on any films that include any Batman lore. 'Deadpool' rounds off the podcast and sends us hime but not before we discuss if a R-rated 'Deadpool' is what we need. Come on in, sit down and listen the greatest podcast you never heard of!

  • Return of the Nerd 005: Days Of Future Comic Flicks Part 1

    19/06/2015 Duration: 01h11min

    Ernie and Johnny sit down and discuss their excitement and concerns of upcoming comic films. We start off talking a little bit about the board game called 'Geek Out' and cover how creepy Jeff Goldblum can be.  The movies we tackle first are the next X-men installment and Fantastic Four reboot. We also revisit old memories of Jessica Alba in her glory days....swoon.So stayed tuned, check us out and come back for more.

  • Return of the Nerd 004: Toys Of Men Part 2

    11/06/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    We continue to talk about our love for toys but have to find out how Johnny lost his Virginity first. How does that tie into toys? It does some how...maybe. Anyways we carry on into what holy grails from our childhood we want back! Also what new toys we are into now and what we would splurge on if we had a chance. And we learn what Ernie would do to own Hot Toys, it's not fun folks.

  • Return of the Nerd 003: Toys Of Men Part 1

    03/06/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    Johnny and Ernie act like they are 12 but we promise they are grown men. Most grown men love cars, tools and a good cigar, these guys love them some toys. This episode they take a walk down memory lane and talk about their first memories of toys they had, what collections they kept getting as a kid and all the weird ones they ran into along the way. If you had toys as a kid and  lived through the 80's and 90's (as I call them, the "Kick Ass Years") this episode is for you. So get ready and put your nostalgia helmet on because we are going to go in hard and deep back in time.

  • Return of the Nerd 002: Breaking Batman: Endgame

    26/05/2015 Duration: 01h28min

    Johnny and Ernie dive super deep into the Scott Snyder's latest and biggest Batman arc 'Endgame'. This podcast spoils the shell out of the comic. So I am letting people know SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! This book has all kinds of crazy crap going on and an ending that has had a controversial ending. Some People loved it, some people hated it and we are here to discuss it! Crank the volume to 11,rip knob off and listen up kids

  • Return of the Nerd 001: Dawn Of The Nerds

    15/05/2015 Duration: 01h28min

    Return Of The Nerd or the aka ROTNCAST, is a podcast about everything under the roof of everything geek. Yes,  there are a ton of podcast like this but these two grown Man-child's are not regular He-Men, or your average G.I Joes, these fellas are Thundercats.  Johnny and Ernie introduce themselves to the the geek world and share what the podcast will focus on. Which is Movies,TV series, Comics, Tabletop games, Card Games, Video Game and pretty much everything but the kitchen sink. Hell, if the sink is relevant, we will talk about that too.  Join us on an adventure, were we learn our likes, dislikes and what they want to bring to the table. We will cover Age Of Ultron the movie and a mix of the crazy tangents. And those tangents are what make you want to hear what they are going to talk about next. Nothing is off the table for this Podcast. We have strong voices and we are gonna be heard one way or an other. So strap down, open up your ears, because we's a comin for ye. This is RETURN OF THE NERD PODCAST.