MarshallTalk discusses difficult & controversial issues incl. Politics, Pop Culture, Class, Race, Parenting, Relationships, etc.
Is Pop Culture creating a More Dangerous type of Ignorance?
11/06/2013 Duration: 01h57minSome people would argue that Pop Culture has been a permanent fixture of American society for at least 200 years. Some argue that Pop Culture is a new phenomenom. Marshall, the Host of MarshallTalk said, "I think Pop Culture has been a part of American society for a very long time; however, I believe it has and is evolving at an extremely rapid and dangerous rate with extremely bad side effects that may or may not be fixable. In my opinion the worst part of Pop Culture is the Ignorance it is breeding in our youth, and unfortunately expanding upwards to our older population which is a new phenomenom that is extremely discouraging to me." Marshall also believes we don't have much time to fix this problem, and we need to begin to take it very seriously with actions instead of just words, because the new version of Pop Culture is becoming deaf to reason. What do you think? Join in on the conversation, whether you agree or disagree with Marshall.
Does the Trayvon Martin case prove major Racial Problems?
30/04/2013 Duration: 01h44minThe Trayvon Martin case is getting ready to go to trial, and it has already invoked lots of emotions from a variety of perspectives. Questions are being asked all over the United States about the racial element of this case and also the importance of "Stand Your Ground" statutes throughout the country. Marshall, the Host of MarshallTalk said, "I believe the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case brings out the worst of many Americans. It's not horrible because we need to deal with these issues and hopefully make some corrections to the Justice System and if possible get rid of the so-called "Stand Your Ground" laws/statutes. As shameful as it may seem, in my opinion this case is really just about racism, which is the main purpose for the "Stand Your Ground" laws in the first place." Marshall also believes at some point the Good People of all ethnicities will stand up and fight for what is right, instead of ridiculous emotional, political, and historical biases. What do you think? Join in on the conversation, wh
Does the Jodi Arias Trial Hurt Real Domestic Violence Cases?
10/04/2013 Duration: 01h42minThe Jodi Arias Trails brings the issue of Domestic Abuse & Violence front and center. In our Justice System everyone is supposed to have the right to a fair trial, so from that perspective the Jodi Arias case is just business as usual. However Marshall, the Host of the MarshallTalk said, "I believe the Jodi Arias case is damaging our Justice System even further than it already is. Some of the experts for the Defense are absolutely non-credible and willing to smear the person that is truly the victim and can not speak for himself. Regardless if any of the statements this lying defendant has made, she had no right to take his life." Again, Marshall also believes this is unfair to most Americans that make minor mistakes and get caught up in the Criminal Justice System with very little or no sympathy. What do you think? Join in on the conversation, whether you agree or disagree with Marshall.
Is the New "I Do What I Want" Thought Process Good or Bad?
02/04/2013 Duration: 01h47minYou see and hear it all the time from mostly young girls/women, "I Do What I Want". Marshall, the Host of MarshallTalk said, "I hear this every single day, mostly in Social Media and it makes me sick. Not only do people say it, it is encouraged and spread to others like wildfire. This thought process is so dangerous and is really hurting our youth. It is very simple to me, if everyone does "What they Want" with no regard for others we should never hear complaints when it backfires and comes back to bite you when the person you care about does the same." Marshall also believes this statement "I Do What I Want" is almost like a "National Anthem" for young women that will end up in serious hardship when the guys use the same thought process against them. What do you think? Join in on the conversation, whether you agree or disagree with Marshall.
Is Jodi Arias Trial making a Mockery of our Justice System?
28/03/2013 Duration: 01h41minMany people are watching, reading, and talking about the Jodi Arias Trial. It seems to be interesting even to people that usually don't care about our Criminal Justice System. Marshall, the Host of MarshallTalk said, "I think it is a shame how much time, effort and money we have put into the Jodi Arias trial, especially when you consider how little time and effort we put into most cases. Our criminal justice system is broken and this only proves how bad. The only good thing I get out of this is maybe all of the extra attention this case is getting will bring light to the fact that we have a lot of fixing to do." Marshall also believes this is unfair to most Americans that make minor mistakes and get caught up in the Criminal Justice System with very little or no sympathy. What do you think? Join in on the conversation, whether you agree or disagree with Marshall.