Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology News and Features
Auditory Processing Disorders/Robert Keith
15/09/2009 Duration: 47minDr. Robert Keith, Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati, discusses auditory processing assessment and intervention. Dr. Keith is the author of the newly revised SCAN 3:A (adolescents & Adults) and SCAN 3:C (children) Tests of Auditory Processing Disorder (Pearson/PsychCorp).
Articulation/Phonology treatment with SATPAC/Stephen Sacks
16/06/2009 Duration: 28minStephen Sacks, developer of SATPAC, discussed remediation of articulation deficits and phonological processes with the use of SATPAC software. SATPAC info at
Auditory Processing Disorder vs. auditory comprehension skills & auditory attention difficulties/Rob
26/05/2009 Duration: 27minNOTE: Due to audio technical difficulties, this show has been rescheduled. Dr. Keith will be a guest on MSHA Radio September 9, 2009.Guest: Dr. Robert Keith, Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati. TOPIC: Auditory Processing Disorder. Dr. Keith is the author of the newly released SCAN-3:A (adolescents & adults) and SCAN-3:C (children) Tests of Auditory Comprehension (Pearson/
Communication Needs of those with MR, DD, & autism/Patricia Prelock
28/04/2009 Duration: 28minPatricia A. Prelock, Chair of Communication Sciences, University of Vermont, discussed communication needs of those with mental retardation, developmental delay, and autism.
Research-based instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics in an RTI model/Nancy Telian
03/03/2009 Duration: 29minNancy Telian, MS, CCC-SLP, maintains a private practice in Weymouth, MA. She is affiliated with Boston’s MGH Institute of Health Professions graduate program in Communication Sciences and Disorders. She will discuss phonemic awareness and phonics in an RTI model.
Changing roles of SLPs and workload models in school-based settings./Deborah Adamczyk
24/02/2009 Duration: 28minDeborah Adamczyk, CCC-SLP, is the ASHA, Director of School Services, and she will be discussing the changing roles and workloads of school-based SLPs
Communication Skills, Adult Language & Hearing Conservation/Harvey Firestone
11/11/2008 Duration: 33minHarvey Firestone is a speech therapist whose career has included five U.S. military services, as well as schools, colleges, motion pictures, an extensive radio career, and lecturing. To view some of his publications visit
The First 50 Words/Susan Lederer
21/10/2008 Duration: 30minGuest: Dr. Susan Hendler Lederer, Associate Professor (Adelphi University), who has been researching child and parent programs for toddlers and preschoolers with language delays, will discuss facilitating early lexical acquisition.
Coarticulation Therapy/Steven Siegelman
30/09/2008 Duration: 30minSpeech Pathologist Steven Siegelman was practicing in St. Croix (Virgin Islands), when he decided to more to Alaska. Hear the story of his move and his discussion of Coarticulation Therapy.
Excercises for Voice Therapy/John Haskell
23/09/2008 Duration: 27minDr. John Haskell has maintained a private practice in New York City for over a decade. He specializes in voice disorders and stuttering. Dr. Haskell is a Board Recognized Specialist in Fluency Disorders.